
gā lí
  • curry
咖喱 [gā lí]
  • [curry] 原产印度的一种黄色的调味品。味香而辣,用姜黄、胡椒,茴香等制成

咖喱[gā lí]
  1. 你只需加辣椒就能增加咖喱菜的辣味。

    You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies .

  2. 按所要求的口味轻重再加点咖喱粉。

    Add more curry powder depending on the strength required .

  3. 要是有剩肉就做咖喱菜。

    Use any leftover meat to make a curry .

  4. 你再来一点咖喱烧菜好吗?

    Would you like some more curry ?

  5. 冰镇啤酒是吃咖喱的绝配。

    A cold beer is the perfect foil for a curry .

  6. 把咖喱热透后浇在米饭上。

    Heat the curry thoroughly and serve it on a bed of rice .

  7. 昨晚我去吃了咖喱菜。

    I went for a curry last night .

  8. 这咖喱太辣了。

    This curry is too hot .

  9. 这种咖喱非常辣。

    This curry is pretty fiery .

  10. 我不应该在这顿饭里多放那一汤匙的咖喱粉,我想我们都是事后才明白的。

    I shouldn 't have put that extra spoonful of curry powder in this meal , but I suppose we can all be wise after the event .

  11. 有咖喱的菜配米饭最棒。

    Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish .

  12. 生活得有变化才精彩,我们去吃泰式咖喱吧。

    Variety is the spice of life . Let 's go for Thai curry1 .

  13. 加一茶匙咖喱粉

    Add a teaspoonful of curry powder .

  14. Flair的烤鸭红咖喱第一勺就告诉你其中的差别。

    The first spoonful of Flair 's roast-duck red curry tells you the difference .

  15. 麦咖喱则在一系列法庭聆讯上辩称,其店名是马来西亚鸡肉咖喱(MalaysianChickenCurry)这种当地主流菜肴的简称。

    McCurry argued through a series of court hearings that its name was short for Malaysian Chicken Curry , a staple dish .

  16. 38岁的詹森•肯尼(JasonKenney)愉快地承认,这些天来他吃了很多的咖喱。

    Jason Kenney gladly acknowledges that he is eating a lot of curry these days .

  17. 褐色乡村米饭、咖喱小扁豆,Jak水果-午餐很丰盛,但我却吃不下去。

    Brown country rice , curried lentils , Jak fruit-the lunch is hearty and generous but I cannot eat .

  18. 纽约(路透社健康消息)-姜黄,一种使咖喱成黄色的食品补充剂,动物试验表明其可能能够治疗风湿性关节炎(RA)。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Turmeric , the spice that gives curry its yellow hue , may hold promise as a therapy for rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ), animal research suggests .

  19. 结果表明,那些“偶尔地”和“经常或非常经常”消耗咖喱的人比“从未或很少”消耗咖喱的研究对象有更好的MMSE评分。

    Those who consumed curry " occasionally " and " often or very often " had significantly better MMSE scores than did subjects who " never or rarely " consumed curry .

  20. 1986年,布朗大学(Brownuniversity)发生了一起著名的惨痛案例:18岁的大一新生凯瑟琳·布罗德斯基(KatherineBrodsky)对坚果过敏,她因在餐厅食用了用花生酱加稠的咖喱而死亡。

    In one infamous instance in 1986 , Katherine Brodsky , 18 , a freshman at Brown University with a known nut allergy , died after eating chili that a restaurant had thickened with peanut butter .

  21. 它叫“冬瓜鸡咖喱”,或者用泰语讲是“gaengkhuafakgubgai”。

    It is Chicken and wax gourd curry or " gaeng khua fak gub gai " in Thai .

  22. 淳厚的酒需要长期的存放。它最适合德国泡菜,腊肠和阿尔萨斯Munster奶酪,咖喱菜,中国和墨西哥菜,以及其他味道强烈的菜。

    Thick and rich wine , which can age , Gewurztraminer is better with sauerkraut , sausages and the Alsatian cheese Munster , curry seasoned dishes , chinese and mexican cooking and other spiced dishes .

  23. 沿着大街行走,可以很方便地观察到年轻人打算去参观小吃小摊,卖汉堡和软饮料或街头小摊,卖着咖喱fishballs。

    Walking along the street , it could be easily observed that youngsters tend to visit fastfood stalls selling burgers and soft drinks or street stalls selling curry fishballs .

  24. 正当我在套间旁边的烛光餐厅吃着美味的咖喱羊肉之际,一位红发雪肤的女人从一道隐蔽的阶梯上款款而下,她身穿带褶皱的丝绒长裙,戴着大号太阳镜——正是这里的女主人海尔格·佩莱拉(HelgaPerera)。

    While eating my excellent curried lamb in the candlelit dining room connected to my suite , a red-haired , pale-skinned woman in a crushed velvet dress and oversized sunglasses materialized from an unseen staircase . This was the proprietress , Helga Perera .

  25. 对我妈妈,这是她鸡肉咖喱食谱。

    For my mom , it was her chicken curry recipe .

  26. 你想要哪一种,咖喱鸡肉还是咖喱牛肉?

    Which would you like , chicken curry or beef curry ?

  27. 我点的是咖喱鸡肉,不是咖喱牛肉。

    I ordered the chicken curry , not the beef curry .

  28. 希望咖喱牛肉和大米是从我们本国店铺的产品。

    Except the curry beef and rice from my local chippy .

  29. 劳驾,要两份外卖咖喱米饭。

    Two chicken curries and rice to take away , please .

  30. 你是想来个椰子咖啡味的,巧克力咖喱味还是蓝莓柠檬味

    Would you like coconut-coffee , chocolate-curry , or blueberry-lemon zest ?