
kā fēi bēi
  • coffee cup
  1. 他的右臂伸在头的一侧,手里仍紧握着一个咖啡杯。

    His right arm was extended up beside his head , still holding on to a coffee cup

  2. 我很抱歉打翻了你的咖啡杯——这是个意外。

    I 'm sorry about knocking over your coffee cup - it was an accident .

  3. 她端着咖啡杯小口地喝着,目光越过杯沿注视着他。

    She sipped from her coffee mug , watching him over the rim

  4. 桌子上有三个大咖啡杯。

    There are three coffee mugs on the table .

  5. 这个直径为9厘米的杯盖由总部位于康沃尔(Cornwall)的LawMateUK公司设计,适用于所有外带咖啡杯。

    The lid , which is 9cm in diameter , has been created by Cornwall-based company LawMate UK to fit any takeaway coffee cup .

  6. 这款咖啡杯盖的创意源自于英国侦探协会(AssociationofBritishDetectives)以及卧底警察,因为许多秘密录音设备是黑社会中众所周知的手段。

    The idea for the coffee lid came from the Association of British Detectives and undercover police as many covert recording devices are commonly known in the criminal underworld .

  7. 你的苹果手机如今可以使用计算机视觉技术来探测物体表面,并把AR物体置于其上方,例如把一个AR咖啡杯放在一张真正的桌子上。

    Using computer vision , your iPhone can now detect surfaces and add AR objects on top of them - like putting an AR coffee cup on top of an IRL table .

  8. 这一套餐具共三件,有餐盘、碗和咖啡杯。每件都带有白绿色调的CentralPerk咖啡厅的标志。

    The collection is a 3-piece set that features a dinner plate , a dinner bowl , and a coffee mug , and each one features the Central Perk logo with a white and green theme .

  9. 天晓得,有的人甚至会带着咖啡杯到医院,这可真是雪上加霜,因为每一杯星巴克(Starbucks)拿铁咖啡都是“可能致癌”的。

    God knows they may even show up with coffee cups , which could be the double whammy given the " potentially carcinogenic " risk of every Starbucks latte on earth .

  10. 还有一位用户将光盘驱动器(CD-ROM)与一种杯架混淆了,问曰:“怎么把电脑上的咖啡杯架弄出来?”

    Then there was the computer user who confused the CD-ROM drive with a drink holder and asked : " How do I get my computers coffee-cup holder to come out again ?"

  11. 在平常的工作日里,在斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡以及其他瑞典大城市总能看到众多的爸爸们一手推着婴儿车、一手端着EspressoHouse或是Wayne'sCoffee的咖啡杯在街头漫步。

    Scores of dads can be seen during typical business hours strolling the streets of Stockholm , Gothenburg and other big cities pushing a stroller with one hand and nursing a cup from Espresso House or Wayne 's Coffee in the other .

  12. Roy博士的目标是利用硅制造技术与特殊工程处理后的腔室来模仿活肾细胞,将该大型技术缩成咖啡杯大小的设备。

    Roy 's goal is to apply silicon fabrication technology , along with specially engineered compartments for live kidney cells , to shrink that large-scale technology into a device the size of a coffee cup .

  13. 来自韩国顺天市的JangWooSeok提出了一个有趣又实用的想法,他称之为“接吻咖啡杯盖”。

    Jang WooSeok , from Sunchon , Korea , came up with what he calls ' Coffee Lid : Take ' Kiss ' Out ' as a fun but functional concept .

  14. 2001年,在伦敦的一个艺术画廊,达明·赫斯特(DamienHirst)的作品也被清洁工扔进了垃圾桶,其中包括一个烟灰缸、脏的咖啡杯、空的啤酒瓶和皱巴巴的报纸。

    In 2001 a piece of art by Damien Hirst consisting of an ashtray , dirty coffee cups , empty beer bottles and crumpled newspapers was thrown away by cleaners at a London art gallery .

  15. LeighHochberg:“看到她用机器人手臂够着并拿起咖啡杯,15年内第一次能自己喝咖啡,这是个不可思议的时刻。”

    LEIGH HOCHBERG : " To see her with that robotic arm reach out and pick up that cup of coffee and serve herself that coffee for the first time in nearly fifteen years , it was an incredible moment . "

  16. 咖啡杯放在一张古色古香的备用小桌上。

    The coffee cups were placed on an antique occasional table .

  17. 建筑师的咖啡杯&从建筑师的非建筑设计实践看设计思维

    Architects ' Coffee Cup : Reading Design Thought from Non-architecture Design

  18. 我打翻了咖啡杯,咖啡溅在衬衣上,满身都是。

    I upset a cup of coffee all over my shirt .

  19. 我给他递过去一个咖啡杯,装了半杯水。

    Eg. I give him a coffee mug half-full of water .

  20. 从表面上看,这就是一个再普通不过的咖啡杯。

    It resembles nothing more innocuous than an ordinary coffee cup .

  21. 她含怒啪地一声放下她的咖啡杯。

    She put her coffee cup down with an angry little clatter .

  22. 因为玻璃杯没耳朵,而咖啡杯有!

    Because no ear , and glass coffee cup have !

  23. 你的咖啡杯是回收后再使用的。

    Your coffee shop recycles , and not in the good way .

  24. 我把咖啡杯掉到地上了。我今天笨手笨脚的。

    I dropped my coffee cup . I 'm all thumbs today .

  25. 套在咖啡杯外的状托

    The sleeve on the outside of a coffee cup .

  26. 他的双手又象刚才那样抱着咖啡杯。

    His hands went around the coffee cup as they had before .

  27. 不要将星巴克的咖啡杯带到面试的地方去。

    Don 't bring your own cup of Starbucks coffee to the interview .

  28. 咖啡杯为什么都有编号?

    Why do all you 're coffee mugs have numbers on the bottom ?

  29. 咖啡杯是脏的。

    When coffee cups are stained . ( check inside of cups . )

  30. 亨利把咖啡杯拿到厨房。

    Henry took the coffee cups into the kitchen .