
gōu biān
  • crisperding
勾边[gōu biān]
  1. 本文浅析了六色3D彩色处理和偏好彩色转换技术、动态景深提升和自适应勾边技术。

    This article analyzes the disposal of six-color3D'multicolor , the technological switch of tavorable color , advancing of dynamic depth of field and the technology of self-adapting crispening .

  2. 八卦田将会用不同颜色的农作物勾边。

    The different colors of the crops will outline the eight-trigram .

  3. 一种用数字电路实现电视字幕勾边电路方案

    Plan of digital circuit for edged enhancement of video titles

  4. 什么叫作你“用墨水勾边”?

    What does that mean , you " ink it "?

  5. 如果灌水是不可取的,勾边,可代替。

    Where padding is not desirable , contouring may be used instead .

  6. 最后讨论了其它可用于载频条纹图压缩的图像处理技术,如勾边方法。

    At last we discuss other image processing techniques .

  7. 彩色电视机中一种新型的勾边电路

    A new aperture compensator circuit for Colour TV sets

  8. 提花小样制图中自动勾边的实现

    Realization of Automatic Marking Edge in Jacquard Sample Drawing

  9. 大提花织物双针勾边新方法

    Tuck Design of Double needles on Knitted Jacquard Fabric

  10. 只要简单输入几个参数,就可以完成铣底、勾边等功能。

    Simply enter a few parameters , can finish milling bottom , crochet and other functions .

  11. 一种有监视的结石X光医学图像自动勾边及分析方法

    A method of under supervision of automatic marking the calculus stone X-ray image edge and image analyzing

  12. 一种句法指导下的扩张-收缩勾边法&提花丝绸织物意匠设计中计算机辅助勾边的实现

    A Syntax-Directed Expanding-Shrinking Method of Outline-Drawing & Computer Assisted Outline-Drawing in Squared Paper Design of Silk Figured Fabric

  13. 为了勾画轮廓使作品更加鲜明,在绣图完成时最后一步是勾边。

    For hanging up delineation to make work more fresh and clear , end while embroidering diagram completion the one step hang up a side .

  14. 它小巧隐蔽,使用逐行扫描技术和先进图像处理技术,即使在低照明条件下也能输出移动物体的勾边数字图像。

    Compact and discreet , it uses progressive scan technology and advanced image processing to deliver crisp digital images of moving objects , even in low light .

  15. 早期的图画暴露了他们完全缺乏描绘成群野兽的能力。二、为了勾画轮廓使作品更加鲜明,在绣图完成时最后一步是勾边。

    The earlier drawings betray a complete incapacity to group animals . For hanging up delineation to make work more fresh and clear , end while embroidering diagram completion the one step hang up a side .

  16. 该弹性元件,容设于本体内部而对应套设于勾挂体较长边外围,其两端并抵顶于限位体与本体的顶部。

    The elastic member is housed in the main body and fitted over long edge of the hooking member with two ends respectively abutting against the spacer and the top of the main body .