
  • 网络employee skill;Employee Know-how;Staff Competencies
  1. 无限次电话指导,让员工技能日趋完美。

    Unlimited coaching calls to help perfect employee skills .

  2. 提高员工技能以提高生产安全性。

    Improve safety by improving human performance .

  3. 公司也该花更多心思在领导培训和员工技能的提高上。

    They could also increase their emphasis on performance management , leadership and employee learning and development .

  4. 正是由于这个原因,“软技能”日益成为各类雇主除“标准任职资格”外,对员工技能要求的重要部分。

    For this reason , soft skills are increasingly sought out by employers in addition to standard qualifications .

  5. 本套乙苯合成工艺流程仿真模拟系统在企业对操作员工技能鉴定和培训过程中起到了良好的效果。

    This set of ethylbenzene synthesis simulation training of staff in the operation of the process played a good effect .

  6. 更大限度发挥现有企业员工技能和积极性的激励问题成为国有企业发展的瓶颈。

    Play a greater measure of existing staff skills and enthusiasm enterprise incentive issues as the development of state-owned enterprises bottlenecks .

  7. 计算机技术的不断发展带来了教育和培训领域的变革,其中就包括危险化学品行业员工技能培训。

    Continuous development of computer technology had brought revolution to the field of education and training , including hazard chemicals industry .

  8. 进入21世纪后,企业生产方式逐渐往自动化、智能化发展,这对企业员工技能提出了越来越高的要求。

    In the 21st century , production automation and intelligent way gradually to the development of skills which employees put forward higher requirements .

  9. 利奇爵士警告称,如果不能提高员工技能,英国将落入平庸之列。

    Lord Leitch warned that the UK was on track to achieve undistinguished mediocrity if it failed to upgrade the skills of its workforce .

  10. 负责员工技能培训、安全、保密教育工作;负责现场管理、知识产权保护和安全环保工作。

    In charge of skills training , safety and confidentiality education of staff , field management , intellectual property protection and safety & environmental protection .

  11. 提高员工技能和知识的培训计划是什么?培训如何进行?费用多少?

    What training programs will be given to upgrade staff skills and knowledge ? How will this traning be delivered ? How much will it cost ?

  12. 其人力资源发展尤其是员工技能开发和培训方面对高等职业技术学院师资培训也有很好的借鉴作用。

    And also Vocational institutes can learn a lot from them in terms of their modern HR principles , especially in the field of training and development .

  13. 员工技能和知识的更新不能跟上企业发展的需求,企业虽有培训计划,但执行力度不够。

    Update staff skills and knowledge can not keep up with the needs of enterprise development , corporate training programs though , but enforcement is not enough .

  14. 作为人力资源管理的一项重要内容,培训在提升员工技能和素质、增强企业核心竞争力等方面作用显著。

    As an important content of human resources management , training plays an important role in enhancing employees ' skill and quality and promoting enterprise core competitiveness .

  15. 引入这样一个观念:薪资是基于工作范围,业务类型,市场状况,员工技能以及服务的年限。

    Introduce the concept that Salary is based on the job size , the type of business , market information and the employee abilities as well as length of service .

  16. 提出了模糊人事评价体系,以及企业人事安排、企业员工技能培训等方面的模糊决策支持数学模型。

    Specially it discusses about fuzzy personnel evaluation and decision support system . It applies fuzzy set on enterprise information processing and gives some basic fuzzy identification and fuzzy evaluation methods .

  17. 该系统满足电厂设备的正常操作、巡视、故障和异常的培训要求,对提高员工技能和生产效益将起到积极作用,能够支持远程仿真功能,满足学员和教员处于异地的远程培训需要。

    This system meets the training requirements of operation , inspection and malfunction of equipments in power plant . Moreover , it also supports distant stimulation function that meets distant training demand of teachers and students in other places .

  18. 新设计的薪酬体系综合考虑岗位价值、员工技能、个人绩效和市场需求等因素,按照非操作岗位与操作岗位性质的不同,分别引入宽带职级体系和窄带职级体系。

    The new design system introduces the broadband and narrowband rank system according to the different characteristics between non-operating positions and operating positions by considering post value , staff skills , individual performance and market demand and other factors .

  19. 因此企业不仅要考虑内部员工技能和部门资源的集成,还要考虑与其它企业的协作,实现流程的跨组织化,以便共同提高对顾客的响应速度。

    Therefore , enterprise should not only consider the integration of employees ' skill and department resources , but also consider the cooperation with other enterprises , and realize the inter-organization of flow in order to quicken the response speed to customer .

  20. 这种新型的薪酬结构设计比传统的薪酬体系有其独特的优势:有利于扁平化组织的构建、员工技能的增长、形成有市场竞争力的薪酬、推动组织绩效的提高等。

    The new salary structure have some unique advantages than the traditional pay system , such as flat organizations structure , the growth of employees skills , the formation of the market competitiveness of remuneration , promoting the improvement of organizational performance .

  21. 这些措施和手段都是从提高员工技能、鼓励员工立足岗位、岗位成长出发,根本落脚点是为企业打造一支优秀的技能人才队伍,真正实现企业与员工双赢。

    These measures and means is to improve staff skills and to encourage these staff growth on their own positions . It intends to build an outstanding contingent of skilled personnel for enterprises , and truly makes employees and enterprises " win-win " .

  22. 从中小企业人力资源管理策略的现实调查分析入手,重点对企业高素质技术人才和管理人才及其服务的招募与雇用,员工技能培训,评估与控制,奖励与激励,沟通等方面。

    Combined with theoretical analysis of personnel networks , internal labor market , and sharing system of human resource , we start with investigations of SME HRM strategies , and discuss on recruitment , employment , skills training , evaluation , control , communication of technicians and managers .

  23. 因此,农业企业不仅有提高企业员工技能和质量安全意识的紧迫感,也对提高与其经营利润高度相关的农民人力资源素质具有潜在动力。

    Therefore , agricultural enterprises not only need to improve the quality of employees ' skill and their sense of safety , but also have to sense the urgency of improving the quality of human resources of the farmers whose operation highly relevant to the profit of the enterprises .

  24. 他津津乐道于员工的技能和敬业精神。

    He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees

  25. 领导们需要有能力明智的委派或管理资源—包括员工的技能。

    Leaders have to be able to delegate and manage resources wisely – including staff expertise .

  26. 针对TY企业冷藏的实际情况,提出实现不同工位生产柔性化、实行弹性作业人数和员工多技能培训、尊重员工等建议,以达到生产过程同步化,实现真正意义上的准时生产。

    According to the actual situation of refrigeration , unified realize flexible production of different location flexible operation and staff training , respect employees to achieve such Suggestions , production process , the true meaning synchronization of just-in-time production .

  27. 本文希望通过为A百货公司引入基于人力资源能力成熟度模型(P-CMM)的培训体系,为企业培养高操作性人才,提升员工组织技能,并构建学习型组织,最终持续提升企业竞争力。

    It hopes the A department store can train the operation staffs , improve the work skills , construct the learning organization , gain the advantage in the competition with the training system based on the People_CMM .

  28. 5提高员工生产技能。

    And 5 . to enhance technical skill of the employees .

  29. 浅论如何加强企业员工职业技能培训

    Discussion on How the Enterprise to Strengthen the Vocational Skill Training of Workers

  30. 为使产能得到提升,员工操作技能之培训强化必不可少。

    To improve productivity , employee skills strengthen by effective training is essential .