
gào su
  • tell;say;inform;notify;bid;hip;let others know;let know;lodge an accusation against
告诉 [gào sù]
  • (1) [let others know;inform;tell]∶诉说,申诉

  • 父女们想起这苦楚来,无处告诉,因此啼哭。--《水浒》

  • (2) [imform;notify]∶向别人陈述;通知某事,使人知道

  • 到第二学年的终结,我便去寻藤野先生,告诉他我将不学医学。--《藤野先生》

  • 告诉大家一个好消息

  • (3) [lodge an accusation against]∶受害人向司法部门报告犯罪事实,请求追诉

告诉[gào su]
  1. 我正准备告诉你,你突然把话打断了。

    I was just going to tell you when you interrupted .

  2. 如果有人打电话来,请告诉他我正忙着。

    Should anyone call , please tell them I 'm busy .

  3. 我要好好想一想,明天告诉你。

    I 'll have a think and let you know tomorrow .

  4. 有知情人告诉我公司要被卖掉。

    I am reliably informed that the company is being sold .

  5. 她把一切希望、梦想和担心都告诉了我。

    She told me all her hopes , dreams and fears .

  6. 我们告诉女儿不要和陌生人讲话。

    We 've told our daughter not to speak to strangers .

  7. 我坦率地告诉他说我不喜欢他。

    I told him straight that I didn 't like him .

  8. 我明确告诉过你不要靠近水边!

    I specifically told you not to go near the water !

  9. 你有话要告诉我?那好,说吧!

    You want to tell me something ? OK , shoot !

  10. 你的律师可以告诉你是否起诉。

    Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action .

  11. 我告诉他时,他似乎不是很高兴。

    He did not look too pleased when I told him .

  12. 她的眼神告诉我出事了。

    The expression in her eyes told me something was wrong .

  13. 他告诉我们写字不要超过三面纸。

    He told us not to write more than three sides .

  14. “他已经走了。”她告诉我们说。

    ' He 's already left , ' she informed us .

  15. 她告诉我们她平安无事,我们很高兴。

    We were glad she let us know she was safe .

  16. 她就是这么个人儿,能把这事见谁就告诉谁。

    It 's just like her to tell everyone about it .

  17. 我直截了当地告诉了他我对他的看法。

    I told him right off what I thought of him .

  18. 要我告诉你吗?圣诞节我从未真正快乐过。

    You know something ? I 've never really enjoyed Christmas .

  19. 听着,我有事要告诉你。

    Listen , there 's something I have to tell you .

  20. 我告诉他我很担忧,可他却轻蔑地一笑。

    I told him I was worried but he laughed scornfully .

  21. 我拿不准该不该把这事告诉你。

    I 'm not sure whether I should tell you this .

  22. 她迫不及待地要告诉我这个消息。

    She was bursting with impatience to tell me the news .

  23. 她把事情的来龙去脉都告诉了我。

    She told me the whole story from soup to nuts .

  24. 我告诉过你——别碰我的东西!

    I 've told you before ─ leave my things alone !

  25. 如有任何问题,请告诉我们。

    We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems .

  26. 嗯?你想不想告诉我们?

    Well ? Are you going to tell us or not ?

  27. 她告诉我们这可怕的消息时,声音都变了。

    Her voice broke as she told us the dreadful news .

  28. 他的死瞒了很长时间都没告诉她。

    For a long time his death was concealed from her .

  29. 按按喇叭,告诉他们我们到了。

    Toot your horn to let them know we 're here .

  30. 他详细地告诉我如何去那里。

    He gave me detailed instructions on how to get there .