
  1. 地区调度EMS中无功电压运行质量评价

    Functional Requirement on EMS in Reactive Voltage Operational Quality Assessment

  2. 在国际单位制(SI)中,功和能的单位是焦耳(J)。

    The unit of work and energy in the SI system is the joule ( J ) .

  3. 新型SVC中无功功率检测及滤波器的优化设计大功率有源滤波器主从式结构方案研究

    Detection of Reactive Power and Design of Filter for New Type SVC

  4. 针对目前浙江电网中无功电压的调控手段相对落后的情况,本文提出了采用一种重要的FACTS设备静态无功补偿器(SVC)来改善浙江电网无功电压控制的方案。

    In order to improve the voltage control techniques , an advanced scheme based on a thyristor-controlled FACTS device & namely SVC is introduced in this thesis .

  5. 所以我们用1,和w1一撇来描述过程中的功。

    W1 So we 'll use w1 and w1 prime to describe the work involved .

  6. 在本文中,功的互等定理法(RTM)被推广于求解基于Reissner理论的厚矩形板弯曲问题。

    In this paper , reciprocal-theorem method ( RTM ) is generalized to solve the problems of bending of thick reciprocal plates based on Reissner 's theory .

  7. 相对论中的功和能

    The Work and the Energy in Special Theory of Relativistic Dynamics

  8. 不同参考系中的功和动能定理

    Work and the theorem of kinetic energy in different reference framework

  9. 电力市场中无功平衡与无功定价的探讨

    Exploration of Reactive Power Equilibrium And Fixed Price in Electricity Market

  10. 电力市场中无功服务成本及其定价

    Cost and pricing of reactive support service in electric power market

  11. 发动机电控匹配平台中吸功系统的研究

    Study on Absorb Power System in Engine Electronic Control Matching Platform

  12. 配电网络中无功补偿设备装设方式对供电设备选择的影响

    The Effect of VAR Compensation Equipment Installation on Transmission and Distribution System

  13. 非正弦电路中无功功率的定义和物理意义

    Definitions and Physical Sense of Reactive Power in Non-sinusoidal Circuit

  14. 无人值班变电站中无功优化软件的设计与研究

    Design and Study on Reactive Optimized Software for Substations without Personal Shift

  15. 在此理论的建立过程中笛卡尔功不可没。

    And Descartes was absolutely crucial in getting it established .

  16. 浅析供电系统中无功补偿的技术原则与作用

    Technical Principle and Function of Reactive Power Compensation in Power Supply System

  17. 浅谈电力网中无功补偿的原因和方式

    Discussion on reason and way of reactive power compensation in power network

  18. 电力系统中无功功率平衡对电压的影响

    On Power System Reactive Power Balance on Impact of Voltage

  19. 稳定受迫振动中的功与能

    Work and Energy in Steady State of Forced Vibration

  20. 主变压器并列运行中无功表指示异常的原因分析

    Abnormal Reason Analysis on Reactive Power Data in Side-by-Side Operation of Main Transformer

  21. 电网中无功功率及其补偿

    The Reactive Power and its Compensation in Electric Network

  22. 物体在约束运动中的功和能

    Work and Energy of the Body in Confined Motion

  23. 载流导体在磁场中移功时。

    When conductor carrying current moves in magnetic field Ampere force does work onit .

  24. 关于热力学中体积功的计算

    Calculations of volume work in thermodynamics

  25. 电力系统中无功负载,不仅增加了电网有功损耗,而且严重影响了用户端的电能质量。

    The reactive power not only increases loss , but also deteriorates the power quality seriously .

  26. 我清楚在迈克尔和莉迪亚的离婚官司中你功不可没

    I 'm very aware of the job you did for Michael in his divorce against Lydia .

  27. 在日常口语中,功和功率常被混淆或相互作用。

    The words " work " and " power " are often confused or interchanged in colloquial use .

  28. 在无功辅助服务中无功成本的分摊和定价是一个关键的问题。

    In the RPAS , it is key to the allocation of reactive power cost and reactive pricing .

  29. 本文在Steinmezt原理的基础上,针对无功补偿过程中无功倒送问题,推导出一种防止无功过补偿的三相等效补偿电纳公式。

    Based on Steinmetz theory , a new method that prevents reactive power over compensating is put forward to .

  30. 研究了工况法汽车排放测试中测功器加载扭矩的设定及其工程实现的方法。

    The engineering setting methods of the torque loaded by dynamometer on vehicle exhaust test under driving mode condition are researched .