
  • 网络alarm;warning signal;AIS
  1. 当路由器上检测到SYN攻击时,传递告警信号给网管主机,向网管员及时报警。

    Alarm signal is transmited to network management computer and reported to network manager in real time when the router detects SYN-flooding .

  2. 调度交换机告警信号的实时传送分析

    Realized the real-time transmission of alarm signal for exchanger dispatching equipment

  3. 利用DCA实现交换机告警信号实时监视

    Realization of real-time online switch monitoring with DCA adapter

  4. 确定了三种可用于基于颜色特征的告警信号灯识别的方法:灰度直方图法,模板匹配法和HSI系统法。

    The methods for alert signal recognition include gray histogram arithmetic , pattern matching method and HSI system .

  5. 切换模块在收到告警信号时进行通道的切换。

    Switch module realizes the channel switching when received warning signals .

  6. 多重听觉告警信号呈现方法的工效学研究

    A Study on Presentation Methods of Multiply Audio Alerting Signals

  7. 提高对调度监控告警信号反映速度的办法

    The Method for Speeding up the Response to the Dispatch Warning Signals

  8. 其中灰度直方图法是本系统告警信号灯识别的最佳方法。

    The gray histogram arithmetic is the best method for this system .

  9. 光纤通信复用继电保护通道告警信号实例分析

    Analysis of fault alarm signal on the optic-fiber communication channel multiplexed with relay protection

  10. 语音告警信号语速研究

    A Study on Speech Rate of Voice Warnings

  11. 光端机告警信号检测系统的研制

    Alarming system in the fiber optic transmitter

  12. 当出现告警信号时,系统进行声光告警,并自动拨打预设的告警电话通知相关维护人员。

    When the alarm information occurs , the system would dial the predefined phone number to notify the related person .

  13. 除了实现传统视频监控系统所具有的监视、远程控制、告警信号采集等功能外,增加了基于颜色特征的告警信号灯图像识别功能。

    The system adds the image recognition function on warning signal lights except the traditional video monitoring , remote control and collecting alert signals function etc .

  14. 本文研究了面向飞机部件装配的误差累积分析与容差优化的理论和方法。基于抗干扰目的的告警信号的调理及容差设计;

    This dissertation researchs the key technologies and methods on assembly error stack-up analysis and optimum tolerancing for aircraft assembly based on Gragh Theory . dispose of warning signal for decreasing interference ;

  15. 刚开始的时候,你就要问很多问题,就要为潜在的问题找出告警信号,就要持续关注你想在对方身上寻找的东西以及你想尽力避免的东西。

    You need to ask lots of questions , look for the warning signs of potential problems , and stay focused on what you 're looking for in a partner and what you are trying to avoid .

  16. 文章针对电力线载波机在以4W+E&M方式联网时,无法为调度交换机及时准确地传送告警信号的问题进行了分析,提出了解决方案和具体实施方法。

    When the power carrier wave machine links network by 4w + E & M method , it can not correctly transfer the alarming signal , the paper analyses this problem and proposes the practical settlement measurement .

  17. 接着是论文的主要部分,详细介绍了自动测试系统的硬件设计和软件设计,硬件设计包括光模块发射端、接收端工作电流的采集电路,高低告警信号的捕获电路,光开关驱动电路等;

    Then is the main part of this thesis , where hardware design and software design is discussed in detail , the hardware design includes the current-acquiring circuit of optical module , warning signal - capturing circuit , optical switch driving circuit etc.

  18. 直流电源是电力系统保护及开关动作的重要电源,保护动作后,开关实际位置的指示通过闪光装置发出告警信号,闪光装置是在任何时候都不能中断电源的。

    DC source is an important one driving electric power system protection apparatus and switches to take action because the flashing sets , which emit alarm signals and indicate the actual position of switches as the protection apparatus is being put into use , need it to run .

  19. SDH传输系统的告警维护信号

    The Alarm Maintenance Signal of SDH

  20. 介绍了SDH传输系统主要告警维护信号,描述了告警维护信号的含义和故障产生原因。

    The major alarm maintenance signal of SDH transmission system are introduced and its implication and failure reason are described .

  21. 激光告警多路信号同步控制系统研究

    Research on Laser Warning Multi-Channel Signal Synchronous Control System

  22. 复用段告警指示信号

    Multiplex Section-Alarm Indication Signal

  23. 光栅激光告警系统中信号光与天空光的能量分析

    Analysis of Signal Light and Sky light Energy in Grating-Based Laser Warning System

  24. 激光告警中的信号探测研究

    The research on signal detection in laser warning

  25. 飞机语音告警系统可以提供给飞行员最直接的告警信号,本文对飞机语音告警系统进行了理论研究,并对其进行了设计。

    The sound-warning system is the most direct warning message for a pilot , this paper introduces some theory research work on sound-warning system and presents a design scheme .

  26. 并且声光告警不能过于复杂,含义有限,不能完全表征焊接过程复杂变化情况。当出现告警信号时,系统进行声光告警,并自动拨打预设的告警电话通知相关维护人员。

    At the same time , voice and light cannot be complex , which can not completely express intricate changing instance with it 's limited meanings . When the alarm information occurs , the system would dial the predefined phone number to notify the related person .

  27. 告警板上的处理器接收来自接入系统监控板的告警信息,经过分析和处理,辨明已经设定的告警级别后给出相应的声、光告警信号报警。

    The theme of the system is receiving the warning signals from access system by a CPU , and analyzing the signals and identifying the warning classes against the parameters set before , and then processing light or sound signals or other to warn people .