
  • 网络Min;by time
  1. 传送网络为GPS时间同步提供备用时间输入,有效抵御了因GPS失效带来的风险。

    Transmission network provides backup time input for GPS time synchronization which effectively reduces risk of GPS failure .

  2. 但UPS的备用时间有限,且在其工作期间也可能出现各种异常情况。

    However , UPS back-up time is limited , and during its work-time it may bring about a variety of special anomalies .

  3. 第二,在功率较小,备用时间较短的基站用电条件下,新型备用供电系统与现有备用供电系统的年平均投入成本差距较小。

    Second , in the condition of less power and shorter standby time , the gap between the two systems ' cost are smaller .

  4. 本文设计了几组不同功率及备用时间的基站用电方案,利用经济模型比较两种系统在不同用电需求下的经济成本差异情况。

    And we design several groups of base station program with different power and backup time , and use economy model to compare the two systems ' cost in different electricity demand .

  5. 备用电池工作时间应为12小时,且为无需维护或仅需超少维护的镍铬电池。

    The battery back up shall be for12 hours and shall be maintenance free or ultra low maintenance ni-cd .

  6. 由于变电站故障事件的持续时间在很大程度上取决于故障隔离时间和备用设备投入时间,因此为便于研究,把备用设备分为备用隔离开关型和非隔离开关型备用设备两个层次加以考虑。

    Because the duration of failure depends largely on the isolation time of failure and switch time of reserve devices , in this paper , the reserve equipment is divided into reserve isolators and non-isolators .

  7. 用提出的方法所获得的设备备用方案,包括在长期规划期间应购置的备用设备数量和每个备用设备投入的时间。

    A spare plan obtained using the presented method includes the numbers of spares and timing of each spare in a long term planning period .