
  • 网络enlightenment;Didacticism;Rationalism
  1. 启蒙主义的民族文学情结及其启示

    National Literary Complex in the Enlightenment and its revelation

  2. 救他与救己&鲁迅启蒙主义小说思想的二重性

    Rescuing others and self-saving & The duel meanings of Lu Xun 's enlightenment novels

  3. 启蒙主义者赞颂理性、平等和科学。

    The Enlightenment scholars celebrate reason or nationality , equality and science .

  4. 鲁迅是中国现代小说及现代小说理论的开创者,他的小说理论开创性特色主要表现在:小说观念的创新&“为人生”的启蒙主义小说观;小说本体艺术的典型化理论;

    Luxun was the pioneer of Chinese modern fictions and modern fiction theory .

  5. 成长小说作为一个小说类型,肇始于西方启蒙主义时期。

    The initiation novel , as a novel type , originates during the Western Enlightenment .

  6. 梁启超思想暨文论与欧洲启蒙主义的关系

    On the Relations between Liang Qi-ch ao 's Thought and Literary Theory and the Enlightenment

  7. 启蒙主义:中国抗战文学的重要话题

    The Thought About the Enlightenment : An Important Literary Subject of the War of Resistance Against Aggression

  8. 英国的十八世纪也同时是启蒙主义时代,或曰理性时代。

    The eighteenth-century England is also known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason .

  9. 理性文学与文学理性&古典主义和启蒙主义文学的辨析和思考

    Rational literature and literary rationality

  10. 以启蒙主义精神为神髓的近现代小说与社会精神结构的同构;

    The novels of modern times which take the spirits of enlightenment as its essence and the social spirits ;

  11. 在中国现代文学中,莎乐美成为一个反抗传统的启蒙主义艺术形象。

    Salome therefore assumed instead the primary role as a rebel and destroyer of tradition in modern Chinese literature .

  12. 近现代,西方启蒙主义影响着中国的传统思想与思维方式。

    In modern times , the western enlightened rationalism influenced the traditional thinking and the way of thinking in China .

  13. 当然,它们也受到来自启蒙主义与儒学研究者的批评;

    Nevertheless , during this period , Confucian thought has been greatly challenged by the researchers of Didacticism and Confucianism .

  14. 从延安文艺新潮的勃兴到《讲话》的发表&解放区个性启蒙主义文艺思潮兴衰的反思

    From the New Literary Trend of Yan ' an to the Speech & On the characteristic enlighten literature in liberated-area

  15. 随着欧洲启蒙主义运动的兴起,刑罚轻缓化成为世界刑法发展的主要潮流。

    Since the modern European enlightenment movement , the mitigation of punishment become world major trends of the development of criminal law .

  16. 这一发现,令笔者多少感到有些意外。因此,本文主要考察梁启超思想及文论与欧洲启蒙主义思想及文论的关系。

    Because of these this , this paper deals mainly with the relations between Liang 's thought and literary theory and the Enlightenment .

  17. 因此,运用现代性理论重新界定各种文学思潮,包括启蒙主义,是研究中国文学史的理论前提。

    Redefining the literary trends from the theory of the Modernity , including the Enlightenment is the premise for studying Chinese literary history .

  18. 鲁迅早期“立人”思想以“尊个性而张精神”为其内涵,标志着鲁迅启蒙主义思想的基本形成。

    Lu Xun 's early educational ideology connotated as " respect individualism and promote spiritualism " marks the formation of his enlightenment ideology .

  19. 鲁迅为什么不看重《阿Q正传》&兼论国民性批判写作与启蒙主义之关系

    Why Lu Xun Underestimated The True Story of Ah Q : Discussion on the Relations Between Critical Writing on National Character and Didacticism

  20. 随着西方启蒙主义和工业革命的兴起,技术标准从地方的、自然的、单一化的前技术标准化时期转向了全球化、复杂化、暗箱化的技术标准化时期。

    With the rise of Western Didacticism and Industrial Revolution , local , natural and simplified technical standard had become global , complex and opaque .

  21. 麦金太尔揭示了启蒙主义对道德合理性论证的失败,提出了其叙事模式的自我观。

    Maclntyre reveals the failure of enlightenment in its proof of rationality of morals and puts forward his conception of the self of narrative mode .

  22. 第一是关于知识分子的自身特性问题,由于其坚守的立场不同,因而在启蒙主义文学中发挥了不同的作用;

    First , it 's about the characters of literati , who play different parts in the enlightenment literature because of the different positions they insist on .

  23. 本文认为,就“五四”时代而言,“启蒙主义文学思潮”是一个贯穿始终、并在发展过程中起着对多种多样观念进行整合的“总思潮”现象。

    This essay holds that , as far as the May-4th period is concerned , the trend of enlightening thoughts is a consistent , generalized and integralizing trend .

  24. 他的启蒙主义思想可以说是当时法国哲学的一个代表,尤其在戏剧方面,他以深刻的戏剧理论阐释了他对艺术与现实的理解。

    His enlightenment thoughts was a representative of the French Philosophy . Especially in the theatre , his deeply drama theory explains the way for his art and realistic-understanding .

  25. 虽然富兰克林生活在启蒙主义时期,但他却出生在一个虔诚的清教家庭,因此我们能在富兰克林的身上找到一些清教的烙印。

    As Franklin lived in the time of the dominance of Enlightenment and was brought up in a Puritan family , people can find the Puritan marks on Franklin himself .

  26. 第一章首先探讨了马克思意识形态概念诞生的理论前提。这个前提主要有两方面内容:法国启蒙主义哲学和德国古典哲学。

    The first chapter studies the theoretical premise of the birth of the concept of the Marxist ideology , that is , the French Enlightening Philosophy and the German Classical Philosophy .

  27. 启蒙主义与现代文学三种类型的发展论革命文学转型背景下的左翼启蒙派

    The Western Enlightenment Trend in the 18th Century Establish Three Types of Modern Literature On the School of the Leftist Enlighteners against the Transformational Backdrop of China 's Modern Literary Ideological Trends

  28. 在他看来,全球伦理在西方是一种很强势的观念,有一些欧洲人受到启蒙主义的影响,总认为他们是唯一正确的。

    For him , universal morality is a strong concept in the west and is seen as the only absolute right one by some Europeans due to their influence by the Enlightenment .

  29. 将40年代现代主义诗歌放置于20世纪上半叶启蒙主义文学文化思潮中,并从具体本文的角度来考察,启蒙理性便成为描述这种精神内涵的关键词。

    If we place the modernist poetry in the 1940s into the enlightenment development in the first half of the 20th century , this disposition is described as " Enlightening Rationalism " .

  30. 20世纪末新的启蒙主义思潮开启了中国文化现代化的自觉时代,女性散文是其中重要的文学与文化现象之一。

    The enlightening trend of thought at the end of 20th century fired the self-conscious age of the Chinese cultural modernization . Women 's prose is among the most important literal and cultural phenomena .