
  • 网络River Elbe;Elbe;elbe river
  1. 易北河从捷克西部流经德国进入北海。桑河流域的北美印第安族人。

    River Elbe flows from the western part of Czech Republic into Germany and then to the North Sea .

  2. 易北河河的南面的十字路口是四个街道的红绿灯。

    The traffic light stands at the intersection of four different streets just south of the river Elbe .

  3. 德国北部的位于易北河上游的一个地区。

    An area in Germany around the upper Elbe river .

  4. 德国东南部城市,位于易北河河畔。

    A city in southeastern Germany on the Elbe River .

  5. 德国中东部的城市,位于德绍东部的易北河上。

    A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River east of Dessau .

  6. 美军和俄军正在迅速地向前推进到易北河去会师。

    The Americans and Russians were driving swiftly to a junction on the Elbe .

  7. 列车在易北河流域沿着闪闪发光的河流疾驰。

    The train bowls along the valley of the Elbe by the glittery river .

  8. 气候变化背景下欧洲中部水资源供给的不稳定性评估&以易北河流域为例

    Assessing Uncertainty of Water Availability in a Central-European River Basin ( Elbe ) Under Climate Change

  9. 美军先头部队到达易北河,离柏林仅五十三英里。

    The vanguard of the American army reached the elbe , only fifty-three miles from berlin .

  10. 无恶意而又无情,像在我之前驶出易北河的人一样。

    White and ruthless , as the men before me who sailed out of the Elbe .

  11. 公元12世纪,由于北欧贸易的兴盛,易北河的重要性与日俱增。

    The Elbe would gain greater significance in the12th Century , as trade in Northern Europe flourished .

  12. 2002年8月,德国、奥地利、捷克三国发生了百年未遇的特大洪水,涉及易北河与多瑙河两大流域。

    In August 2002 , Germany , Austria and Czech suffered an extreme flood in the basins of Elbe and Danube rivers .

  13. 艾森豪威尔现在的目的是要在马格德堡与德累斯顿之间的易北河上与俄国人会师,把德国一切为二。

    Eisenhower 's purpose now was to split Germany in two by joining up with the Russians on the Elbe between Magdeburg and Dresden .

  14. 从区域分布来看,西部地区与勃兰登堡地区的城市人口增长强劲,而易北河以东地区的城市人口增长则较慢。

    According to regional distribution , urban population grew quickly in western areas and Brandenburg areas while growing slowly in the east of the Elbe River .

  15. 西部的日耳曼各部落定居在易北河和奥得河之间的地区,德语就是在这一地区逐步发展而成的。

    The West Germanic tribes settled in the lands between the Elbe and Oder rivers , and it is here that the German language gradually evolved .

  16. 捷克共和国有关部门警告称,易北河低洼地区今晚将迎来水位最高值,这是该国10几年以来遭遇的最严重洪灾。

    Authorities in the Czech Republic are warning the lower levels of the Elbe River are expected to peak tonight , in what is the worst flooding in that country in over a decade .

  17. 2002年发生在德国和捷克的易北河洪灾事件,以及德国和奥地利的多瑙河洪灾事件,再三证明了洪水对其受影响地区人类的危害。

    The flood events along the River Elbe in 2002 in Germany and in the Czech Republic , but also along the River Danube in Germany and Austria have repeatedly shown the dangers of flooding for the population involved .