首页 / 词典 / good

  • official;petty official;government clerk;mandarin
  • 旧时代的大小官员:~治。官~。

  • 旧指小公务员:~员。胥~(地方官府中办理文书的人)。

  1. 调查结果显示,超半数受访者认为,从严治吏,最应治理干部“作风不正”。调查还显示,近半受访者认为,某些官员腐败(corrupt),对工作不负责任(irresponsibleintheirwork)。

    The results show that more than half of the respondents believe the most important thing the authorities should address is the working style of government officials .

  2. 近日,《人民日报》在网上进行了一项关于如何进行从严治吏的调查,收到读者4000多份有效回复。

    People 's Daily conducted a survey on the Internet about how to strictly1 manage officials and received more than 4000 valid2 responses .

  3. 文章试图讨论在WTO游戏规则中,可为有色金属行业所用的、所必须遵循的、所需回避的规则,以此寻求我国有色金属行业吏大的发展空间。

    This article discusses the rules of WTO games , which can be applied , or must be followed or evaded in the field of non-ferrous metal industry aiming at exploring the wider development space .

  4. 实验证明,这种自主的文化学习模式(ACL)能比传统的教学吏有效地帮助学生掌握目标语的文化和迅速发展学生的跨文化交际能力。

    It is verified that the strategy of autonomous learning can greatly help students to master the target culture and rapidly develop the students ' intercultural communicative competence .

  5. 韩非治吏思想研究

    On the Study of Han Fei 's Thought of Administrating Bureaucracy

  6. 在这些部门中,吏部是最重要的。

    Of these , the Ministry of Civil Affairs ranked highest .

  7. 韩非子的治吏思想及其现代意义

    Han fei 's idea on governing officials and Its Modern Significance

  8. 依宪行政的关键是依法治吏。

    The key to administration by law is official governance by law .

  9. 会吏长认为这样通信是不光彩的。

    The archdeacon thinks that such a correspondence is disgraceful .

  10. 执达吏又同时把那张纸递给他。

    At the same time , the usher handed him the paper .

  11. 六是大量的吏卒家属。

    Families of the six is a large number of collectors stroke .

  12. 究其实质,以吏为师在于加强思想控制。

    The substance of such a system was to strengthen thought control .

  13. 不过,琳达吏密斯也了解某些情况。

    Linda smith , nonetheless , is on to something .

  14. 不管什么原因,保罗用了口授的方式让一书吏为他代写。

    For whatever reason , Paul dictated his letters to a scribe .

  15. 坐在国王门中的那个书吏。

    The scribe who sits within the king 's gates .

  16. 有一点我想提一提,会吏长先生。

    There is one point I would like to mention , Mr archdeacon .

  17. 诸吏身份地位低下,并在律令中有所体现,需要一个历史过程。

    Lis low status and appeared in the law was a history process .

  18. 两汉西南边吏的选拔任用特点。

    Two Dan Dynasties ' southwest officials appointed characteristics .

  19. 这种对称性的历史形态,表明一种长时期的节律存在于历吏发展的过程中。

    The symmetrical patterns showed a rhythm in history .

  20. 我国古代封建政权治吏略论

    To Slightly Talk about Ancient Feudal Regime Manages the Official in our Country

  21. 她把这一切全归咎于会吏长的偏见与自高自大。

    All this she attributed to the prejudice and conceit of the archdeacon .

  22. 达吏说了这句话,便转过背去了。

    So saying , the usher turned his back .

  23. 粮食供给是军队后勤给养中的一项重要内容。汉代边塞地区军粮主要供给吏卒及其家属,也用于借贷和马、牛、驼、狗之食。

    The grain supply is very important in logistics .

  24. 汉唐时期的军吏

    " Army 's Official " of the Period in Han and Tang Dynasties

  25. 你在这只是个寒酸的皇宫书吏。

    Here you are but a poor Palace scribe .

  26. 刀具能在六秒或吏短的时间内更换完毕。

    Tools are changed in six seconds or less .

  27. 会吏总的职位副主教的职务或职位一般职系公务员总会

    The office or position of an archdeacon . General Grades Civil Servants General Union

  28. 中国古代吏治的显著特色是以德治吏。

    Managing officials is very typical in the ancient China for the moral means .

  29. 三是抵御自然灾害的社会需要与贤臣能吏的崇拜;

    Three is demand of resisting nature disaster ;

  30. 《居延汉简》中的戍吏经商、雇佣现象

    Analysis of Juyan Han Dynasty in the Garrison officials on business 、 employment phenomenon