
hòu zuò yì yuán
  • backbencher
  1. 他辞去了内政大臣的职务,回到后座议员席。

    He resigned as Home Secretary and returned to the back benches .

  2. 这样的动议被视为对后座议员立场的考验。

    Such a motion is considered a test of backbench opinion .

  3. 退役将军和后座议员的智慧结合在一起。

    The wisdom of the retired generals and backbench MPs conjoins

  4. 首相迫于后座议员们的压力让步了。

    The Prime Minister has caved in to backbench pressure

  5. 这一问题引发了后座议员的不满。

    This issue is creating unrest on the backbenches .

  6. 1922年委员会上个星期的会议又一次引发了保守党后座议员激烈的争吵。

    Last week 's meeting of the 1922 Committee set the fur flying again on the Tory backbenches

  7. “这项税收将为日后埋下祸根,”一位愤怒的保守党后座议员说道。

    ' This tax is a disaster waiting to happen , ' said an angry Tory backbencher .

  8. 保守党的下议院后座议员利亚姆福克斯(liamfox)及其欧洲怀疑论支持者所期盼的那种“回到未来”的选项是不存在的。

    There simply is no " back to the future " option of the kind backbench Conservative MP Liam Fox and his Eurosceptic supporters want .

  9. 中贝德福德郡议员娜丁•德里斯(NadineDorries)猛烈抨击卡梅伦,她称已经致信“1922年委员会”主席格雷厄姆•布雷迪(GrahamBrady)。“1922年委员会”代表保守党后座议员,通常接收对首相发起不信任投票的签名。

    Nadine Dorries , the Mid-Bedfordshire MP and ardent critic of Mr Cameron , said she had already written to Graham Brady , chairman of the backbench 1922 committee which normally receives signatures for a leadership challenge .

  10. 民主党(DPJ)里有很多忠于小泽一郎的后座议员,小泽一郎以前是民主党的领袖,由于资金筹集丑闻他从民主党领袖的位置上退了下来,但是他依然在暗地里削弱菅直人的势力。

    The DPJ is stuffed with backbenchers loyal to Ichiro Ozawa , an old-timer who resigned from the party leadership because of a fund-raising scandal but who still undermines Mr Kan .

  11. 该法案得到数位工党后座议员的支持。

    The bill got the support of several labour backbench hips .

  12. 首相希望获得工党后座议员的全力支持。

    The prime minister expects strong support from the labour backbenches .

  13. 她会不会像她的前任那样下台当后座议员?

    Will she follow her predecessor into the backbench wilderness ?

  14. 士气低落,后座议员中已经有几人倒戈。

    Morale was low and several backbench revolts had occurred .

  15. 后座议员席的讲话批评了政府的浪费。

    The back-bencher 's speech hit at government spending .

  16. 一些保守党后座议员一直在抱怨他对丑闻的处理。

    Some Tory backbenchers have been grumbling about his handling of the scandal .

  17. 她成功地领导了持反对意见的后座议员反对政府教育法案的运动。

    She has successfully led a rebel backbench campaign against the government 's eductaion bill .

  18. 前财政大臣辞职后回到后座议员席。

    Following his resignation , the former chancellor of the exchequer has returned to the backbenches .

  19. 不屈不挠的后座议员们挫败了首相操纵下议院匆忙通过这个法案的企图。

    Recalcitrant backbenchers hamstrung the prime minister 's attempt to railroad the bill through the commons .

  20. 除非后座议员出其不意地反对,这项建议很可能就此被接受。

    Unless there is a surprise backbench revolt , the proposal is likely to be accepted .

  21. 而一向不善和后座议员搞好关系的唐宁街正在考虑寻求控制问题继续恶化的方法。

    Downing Street , which is usually bad at cultivating relations with backbenchers , is considering how to contain the problem .

  22. 这些细微差异对福利改革的反对者而言,极可能毫无影响。反对者包括工会人员和一些工党后座议员2。

    These nuances are likely to be lost on the enemies of welfare reform , who include many trade unionists and some Labour backbenchers .

  23. 有时,这使得她采取了取悦后座议员的立场,但却很难与英国的经济利益保持一致。

    This has sometimes led her to take positions that appeal to backbench MPs but are much harder to square with Britain 's economic interest .

  24. 这件事似乎是,为了满足某种短期利益(安抚80多名对欧洲持怀疑态度、威胁倒戈的保守党后座议员),而牺牲了英国人民的长期利益。

    It appears that the long-term interests of the British people have been sacrificed to the short-term interest of satisfying 80-odd backbench Tory Eurosceptics who had threatened to rebel .

  25. 不在政府部门任职的议员不该再被看作是区区的“后座议员”这种称呼突显出,他们被视为政府组建完成后的残余。

    No longer should MPs not in the government be seen as mere backbenchers , a term that highlights that they are seen as the leftovers after a government has been formed .

  26. 布莱尔的前公共关系主管阿拉斯泰尔·坎贝尔说,时任首相的布莱尔拒绝解雇布朗主要是因为,这会给议会中工党后座议员席带来一个不受管束的自行其是者。

    Alastair Campbell , Blair 's former press chief , says that the then prime minister refused to sack Brown mainly because it would have left him a rampant maverick on the Labour backbenches .

  27. 尽管卡梅伦可以再当几十年的后座议员,但很可能他会在2020年离职竞争上议院的席位。

    He has said he plans to continue in the role . Though he could continue as a backbencher for decades , it 's likely he will step down in 2020 in favour of a seat in the Lords .

  28. 首相布莱尔后座的一名议员说,武器专家的死亡,将会成为首相先生的水门事件。

    One of British Prime Minister Tony blair 's labour backbenchershas said the death of an official weapons expert has become the pm 's watergate .