
  • 网络post-industrial civilization
  1. 后工业文明与回归自然的旅游&关于我国旅游经济发展战略的文化思考

    Post-Industrial Civilization and Return-to-Nature Tourism

  2. 后工业文明时代的汽车造型设计更加重视对文化的继承和发展,融入本土制器之道的设计已成为设计的主流意识之一。

    The integration of the local doctrine of model utensils to the car styling has been one of the mainstream design consciousness .

  3. 二是从读者的阅读角度分析武侠小说作为一种快感文化,在后工业文明背〔。

    Second , from the viewpoint of the readers , the chivalrous novels as a kind of pleasant novels directly meet the needs of the readers under the industrial civilization background .

  4. 而随着农村人口向城市的大迁移,农耕文明与工业文明、后工业文明的交锋与冲突,给中国乡土小说的书写观念带来了巨大的冲击。

    With the great immigration of rural population to the urban area , the collision among the farming civilization , industry civilization and post industry civilization has brought immense clashes to write the rural fictions .

  5. 诗意的农耕文明与游牧文明书写已经被挤入了边缘,象征着工业文明和后工业文明的城市文化形态已然成为主流。

    The recording of the poetic farming civilization and nomadic civilization has been squeezed to the boundary , which reflects the urban culture symbolizing the industry civilization and post industry civilization have become the mainstream .

  6. 人类社会主要经历了农业社会,工业社会及后工业社会三个文明阶段,并分别有着与其相适应的语言教学形式。

    The two civilization stages , industrialized society and post industrialized society , have their according forms of language teaching .