
  1. 芮成钢说,他们自愿选择放弃自己的工作。

    They choose deliberately to give up their positions , ' Mr. Rui said .

  2. 芮成钢今年36岁,于2003年进入中央电视台英语频道,是个颇具争议的人物。

    Rui , 36 , joined CCTV 's English Channel in 2003 and has been no stranger to controversy .

  3. 芮成钢是中央电视台财经新闻栏目主持人,他也是中国最为知名的节目主持人之一。

    Rui Chenggang , a host of financial news programs on China Central Television , is one of the best-known anchors in China .

  4. 近日,一则报道指出,中国中央电视台前新闻主播芮成钢涉嫌贪腐一案即将进入审理程序。

    The graft case of a popular former news anchor of China Central Television ( CCTV ) will soon be heard , reports said .

  5. 人民日报以及央视经济频道主持人芮成钢等媒体名人纷纷在微博上支持这一慈善项目。

    National newspaper People 's Daily and online celebrities like Rui Chenggang , business anchor at China Central Television ( CCTV ) , also gave support to the charity program on Weibo .

  6. 在上周五的讨论会上,芮成钢指出,一些女性领导人拥有在男性中更常见的特点,比如坚强、要求高,而不担任领导的女性则更温和,具有传统观念中的女性特点。

    At the Friday panel , Mr. Rui noted that some female leaders have traits more commonly attributed to men , like being strong and demanding , while others are more gentle and stereotypically feminine .

  7. 但中国国有电视台中央电视台的主持人芮成钢不同意这样观点,他在主持该讨论会时说,他认为女性离开职场回归家庭是自愿的行为。

    But Rui Chenggang , an anchor for China 's state broadcaster China Central Television , disagreed and said while moderating the panel he believes women are acting of their own accord when leaving careers to be with their families . '

  8. 总部位于北京的《中国商报》上周二援引一位省级司法机构匿名人士报道称,芮成钢一案是中央电视台34起与贪腐有关的案件中的一例,其中29起已经交送给中国东北吉林省的司法机关审理。

    Rui Chenggang 's case is among 34 corruption-related cases at CCTV , and 29 of them have been assigned to judicial organs in Northeast China 's Jilin Province , Beijing-based weekly newspaper China Business Journal reported last Tuesday , citing an anonymous source close to the provincial judicial agencies .