
  • 网络the principle of legality
  1. 一是,合法原则中,分别对主体合法、依据合法、程序合法进行论述。

    First , the principle of legality , the subject legitimate basis for legitimate , legal procedures are discussed .

  2. 法院促成当事人之间进行调解并不是无原则的,自愿原则、合法原则、有限调解原则是行政诉讼调解制度必须坚持的基本原则。

    The court contributed to the mediation between the parties is not unprincipled , the voluntary principle , the principle of legality , the principle of limited mediation must adhere to the basic principles of administrative litigation mediation system .

  3. 经济合法原则主要是就经济法律关系来说的。

    The principle of economic legality is mainly regard to the economic legal relation .

  4. 订立劳动合同应坚持两个原则:平等自愿、协商一致的原则和合法原则。

    There are two principles in this : the equality and legislation .

  5. 经济法的基本原则应该包括经济合法原则、经济平衡原则、经济发展原则。

    The basic principles are economic legality , economic equilibrium and economic development .

  6. 法院调解制度是构筑在自愿及合法原则之基础上的。

    The system of court mediation is constructed on the foundation of the voluntary and legal principle .

  7. 只要遵循调解的自愿、合法原则,法院对再审案件仍然能够以调解的方式结案。

    As long as the court follows the voluntary principle and legitimate principle , the case can still end in mediation .

  8. 它包括课税要素法定原则、课税要素明确原则和程序合法原则。

    The tax legalism includes the legal principle , the principle of explicitness and the principle of legal proceedings among levy taxes .

  9. 法律原则的存在形式探析&兼对《行政复议法》中合法原则的质疑

    An analysis of the existing form of the principle of law & a challenge to the legal principle in the Administrative Reconsideration Law

  10. 决策程序合法原则、决策利益衡平原则和决策责任自负原则是行政决策法制化的基本原则。

    The tenets of justice on decision-making procedure , of decision-making equity and of decision-making liability are the basic principle about legalization of administrative decision-making .

  11. 因此,强制执行法的原则应包括:执行合法原则、执行快捷原则、执行内容确定原则、执行方式适当原则和执行措施穷尽原则。

    To author 's opinion , the principles of execution should include : executing legally , efficiently , content confirms , adequately , and end the executing measures .

  12. 关键的问题在于人大对司法机关的监督应当坚持合法原则,并有利于保证司法独立,维护司法公正。

    The key question is that people 's congress supervises the justice department should insist on the legal principle , assure justice independency , stick up for judicial justice .

  13. 刑事被害人的权利保护应遵循全面原则、平衡原则、适度原则、合法原则和效率原则。

    The rights of the injured on the crime should be protected following the rules : all-round principle , balanceable principle , moderation principle , legality principle and efficiency principle .

  14. 在孔德实证哲学的影响下,相当因果关系说在1888年由克利斯创立后,不断得到发展,后德国法学界采用公正原则和合法原则对其进行修正。

    After the theory of correspond casuality was founded by kellys in 1888 , it was developed incessantly . Later German society adopt the legal and impartial principle to modify it .

  15. 接着文章对法院调解制度中应当贯彻的原则进行了分析,认为应当进一步强化自愿原则,取消查明事实、分清是非和合法原则,增加向公众不公开原则和公共利益原则。

    Court-conciliation ought to follow some principles : litigants ought to have voluntary and free will , conciliations ought to be not open , and agreements ought to accord with public interests .

  16. 在确定选择性罪名时要遵循五条原则,即罪刑法定原则、准确原则、简明原则、合法原则、约定俗成原则。

    Five principles have to be followed when confirm selective accusation , namely , the principle of legality , the principle of accurate , concise principles , legal principles , and convention principles .

  17. 诉讼调解,又称法院调解,是指人民法院审理案件过程中,依据自愿合法原则,在法官主持下调和解决当事人之间纷争的手段和方法。

    Intermediation of lawsuit also called court intermediation means to solve the disputes between the two sides in a lawsuit under the host of judges on the basis of clients ' own will .

  18. 为保障大学生权利,维护正常学校教学管理秩序,高校处分权的行使应遵循处分依据合法原则、合理性原则与正当程序原则。

    In order to guarantee rights of college students and keep the order of school teaching , universities should obey the legal principle , rational principle and proper procedure principle in exercising their penalizing rights .

  19. 芝加哥学派的博克大法官甚至认为非横向并购对竞争有益无害,应该采取本质合法原则;而后芝加哥学派的学者则强调非横向并购的反竞争效应。

    Judge Bork of Chicago School , even believed that non-horizontal merger do no harm to competition , should be adopted legally . The Post-Chicago School scholars focused on the anticompetitive effects of non-horizontal mergers .

  20. 因此除坚持《民事诉讼法》基本原则外,应以公正与效率、方便诉讼与合法原则为理念对现行简易程序进行创新。

    The procedure should be reformulated in accordance with the principles of fairness and efficiency , convenience of filing a lawsuit and justice as well as all the basic principles of Law of Civil Procedure .

  21. 关键是构建一个能真正体现自愿合法原则的调解制度一对席调解制度,以基本解决实践层面上存在的不正当调解问题。

    Since the main cause for defects of the Chinese court mediation system lies in " back to back mediation " practice , the key to the solution falls on the construction of a vis - à - vis mediation system .

  22. 针对上述问题,完善我国国有企业的薪酬管理,必须首先确立薪酬设计的原则,包括公平原则、竞争原则、激励原则、经济原则、合法原则、透明化原则。

    To solve these above-mentioned problems , it is necessary to perfect salary management in business enterprise and to establish the principles in designing salary , such as fair rules , competitive rules , economic rules , legal rules and transparent rules .

  23. 依据这一价值取向,战时军事诉讼可衍生出军事斗争效益原则、最低合法原则、从速从简原则和从严兼顾激励原则。

    According to this value orientation , military lawsuit can is it happen military struggle benefit principle , low legal principle most , conform to the principle of simplicity the principle and give consideration to the principle of encouraging strictly rapidly to derive wartime .

  24. 诉的利益的衡量主要在原告与国家(全体纳税人)、原告与被告之间进行,并坚持合理价值判断原则、利益平衡原则与合法原则。

    The benefit balance in the benefit of litigation mainly lies in the plaintiff and the country ( all taxpayers ), between the plaintiff and the defendant , and must persists the reasonable value judgment principle , the benefit balance principle and the legitimate principle .

  25. 论保护妇女合法权益原则

    On the Principle of Protecting Women 's Legitimate Rights and Interests

  26. 基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。

    The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene .

  27. 计算方法和计算软件的合法性原则;

    The principle of legality of calculating methods and software ;

  28. 资产重组的合法性原则窥探

    A Probe into the Principle of Legitimacy for Assets Reorganization

  29. 诱惑侦查之基准:合法性原则和最后手段原则

    The Guideline of Entrapment Detection : The principle of Legitimacy and Final Means

  30. 制定地方立法计划应遵循合法性原则、可行性原则、科学性原则。

    Therefore , enacting such a plan should be lawful , feasible and scientific .