
  • 网络qdii;qualified domestic institutional investor
  1. 合格境内机构投资者有助于中国金融市场与国际接轨,便于资金从大陆有序外流。

    QDII can help China link its financial market to the world and will facilitate the orderly outflow of founds from the mainland .

  2. 在合格境内机构投资者(QDII)的授权上,外国银行和国内银行应受到平等对待。

    Equal treatment should be given to foreign banks and domestic banks with regards to Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors ( QDII ) authorization .

  3. 仅有拥有合格境内机构投资者(qdii)配额的机构,才能为客户进行海外投资。

    Only institutions with a qualified domestic institutional investor quota can invest overseas for clients .

  4. fung指的是准许中国基金投资海外的合格境内机构投资者(qdii)计划。

    Mr Fung was referring to the qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII ) scheme , which allows Chinese funds to invest overseas .

  5. 李晶指出,目前已推出了4只合格境内机构投资者(qdii)基金,还有两只基金正在酝酿之中。

    MS Ulrich notes that four qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII ) funds have been launched with two more in the pipeline .

  6. 过去几年,对于通过合格境内机构投资者(qdii)基金外流的中国资金来说,香港已成为一个受欢迎的目的地。

    Over the past few years Hong Kong has already become a favoured destination for Chinese fund outflows through the qualified domestic institutional investor funds .

  7. 此前根据合格境内机构投资者(qdii)制度批准投资额度是在2008年5月,即金融危机的最糟糕阶段尚未到来之际。

    The previous quota handed out under the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme was granted in May 2008 , before the worst of the financial crisis .

  8. 根据合格境内机构投资者(qdii)机制,自去年初开始,中国已经批准本地基金管理公司和银行将资金投向海外。

    Under the scheme known as qualified domestic institutional investors , China has since early last year approved local fund managers and banks to invest money offshore .

  9. 今年以来,中国新成立了19只合格境内机构投资者(QDII)基金。QDII是一种允许中国资金投资于海外的制度框架。

    This year China has already seen 19 new Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor ( QDII ) funds , a structure that allows Chinese money to be invested abroad .

  10. 第三,中国最近放宽了对合格境内机构投资者(qdii)的规定,赋予中国金融机构投资境外股票的更大自由度,香港预计将从中受益。

    Third , Hong Kong can expect to benefit from the recent relaxation in qualified domestic institutional investor rules giving Chinese institutions greater freedom to invest in overseas equities .

  11. 另一项改革是降低合格境内机构投资者(qdii)的门槛,允许更多合格境内基金管理公司在海外扩张业务。

    Another change is a lower threshold for qualified domestic institutional investors ( QDII ) , which will allow more qualified Chinese fund management companies to expand their business overseas .

  12. 在所谓的合格境内机构投资者(QDII)机制下,即将在中国发行的最新一只投资国外的基金在发售当日就筹集到了140亿美元的认购资金。

    The latest intentionally invested fund to be offered in China under the so-called Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme gathered $ 14bn in subscriptions in the first day of sales .

  13. 例如,大陆机构投资者可以依据合格境内机构投资者(qdii)计划申请一定份额,最多可将管理资产的10%投资于台湾。

    For example , mainland institutional investors can apply for a quota under the qualified domestic institutional investors scheme to invest up to 10 per cent of assets under management in Taiwan .

  14. 中国银行业、保险公司和基金经理去年首次获准通过一个配额系统即合格境内机构投资者(qdii)计划进行海外投资。

    Chinese banks , insurers and fund managers last year received approval to invest overseas for the first time through a quota system , known as the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme .

  15. 在合格境内机构投资者(qdii)和合格境外机构投资者(qfii)项目之下,基金公司可能会找到更多的产品机会,但受益的可能主要是中资资产管理公司。

    More product opportunities may open up under the qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII ) and qualified foreign institutional investor ( QFII ) schemes , but this is likely to largely benefit Chinese asset managers .

  16. 由于全球股市下跌,中国散户投资者去年表现出的对海外投资的浓厚兴趣已消失,同时,中国所谓的合格境内机构投资者(QDII)机制也再度失宠。

    The avalanche of retail interest in offshore investments last year has evaporated as the markets drop and China 's so-called qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII ) scheme once again falls out of favour .

  17. 特别是,允许个人购买b股,以及通过合格境内机构投资者计划(qdii),对海外股市、固定收益产品及其它被认可的金融工具进行金融投资。

    In particular , individuals will be allowed to purchase B shares and make financial investments involving overseas shares , fixed income products and other approved financial instruments through the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme .

  18. 其次,在合格境内机构投资者(QDII)机制下,从中国内地向香港的投资流动将上升。上述机制使得中国内地投资者在投资海外股市方面有了更大的自由度。

    Second , there will be increased investment flows from China to Hong Kong under the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor ( QDII ) initiative , which gives Chinese investors greater freedom to invest in overseas equities .

  19. 汇丰银行(hsbc)持股17%的平安保险,是在所谓的合格境内机构投资者(qdii)机制下,中国首家获准将更多资产投资海外的保险公司。

    The Chinese insurer , which is 17 per cent owned by HSBC , is the first of its peers to get the green light to invest more of its assets abroad under the so-called Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme .

  20. 沪港通让一些富裕的散户投资者能够买卖香港上市的股票,受到严格控制的合格境内机构投资者(QDII)项目则为金融机构提供了一条购买海外债券和证券的渠道。

    The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has provided some rich retail investors access to Hong Kong-listed shares , while the tightly controlled qualified domestic institutional investor programme gives financial institutions an avenue to purchase overseas bonds and securities .

  21. 台湾内阁昨日称,将允许所谓的合格境内机构投资者(QDII)购买台湾股票和期货,QDll是指获北京许可、允许代表其客户进行海外投资的中国大陆机构。

    The cabinet said yesterday it would allow so-called qualified domestic institutional investors ( QDIIs ) – Chinese institutions which have approval from Beijing to invest overseas on behalf of their customers – to buy Taiwanese stocks and futures .

  22. 今天,我们极力推荐入股现有的合资基金公司,因为这么做能更快地拥有进入中国的权利,更快获得盈利能力,更快拿到营业和合格境内机构投资者(QDII)牌照。

    Today , we strongly emphasise buying a stake in an existing joint venture because it is quicker to have access , quicker to have profitability , and quicker to gain an operating and QDII [ qualified domestic institutional investor ] licence that way .

  23. 中国国内基金要在海外投资,必须拿到一张令人垂涎的牌照合格境内机构投资者(QDII)资格有时一年只发几张牌照,牌照规定了基金在海外的最高投资额度。

    To invest abroad Chinese funds must get a highly coveted license as a Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor-sometimes just a handful of licenses are handed out in a year-and the license comes with a quota for the amount of funds it can invest outside China .

  24. 此次加息也与希望利用合格境内机构投资者(QDII)机制的国际金融机构有关,包括基金管理公司。中国最近推出的这项创新举措,允许国内投资者通过QDII机制投资海外市场。

    The rate increase is also relevant for international financial institutions , including fund management firms , seeking to take advantage of the more recent innovation that allows domestic investors in China to allocate investments overseas through the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors system ( QDII ) .

  25. 与中国其它许多大型券商一样,中信证券已获准通过所谓的合格境内机构投资者(QDII)计划投资海外市场。该计划旨在鼓励中国国内过剩的流动性通过投资组合渠道流向海外。

    Along with a number of other large Chinese brokerages , Citic Securities has been approved to invest in offshore markets under the so-called qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII ) scheme , which is intended to encourage excess liquidity to leave the country through portfolio investments .

  26. 例如,对于那些相信人民币兑多数外国货币将大幅升值的人而言,根据合格境内机构投资者(DQII)计划推出的基金目前没有多少吸引力。DQII计划允许中国投资者购买外国资产。

    For instance , funds launched under the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor ( QDII ) scheme , which allows Chinese investors to buy foreign assets , currently hold little appeal for those who believe the renminbi is likely to appreciate substantially against most foreign currencies .