
hé tonɡ quán lì
  • contractual right
  1. 融资浮动担保中的限制性条款为贷款银行创设的是合同权利。

    The creation of the restrictive clause of the floating charge for the credit bank is a contractual right .

  2. 合同中的每项义务都会引起相应的合同权利。

    Every contractual obligation in a contract gives rise to a corresponding contractual right .

  3. 合同权利义务因当事人的合意而成立时,即具有合理性和法律上的效力。

    Rights and obligations derived from mutuality is reasonable and enforceable .

  4. 工程索赔是依据合同权利提出的正常的补偿要求。

    Engineering claim is a normal requirement for compensation based on contract rights .

  5. 浅析财产合同权利义务的终止

    On Ending Rights and Obligations in Property Contracts

  6. 第三人享有的合同权利,取决于创设这种权利的合同的有效性。

    The third party rights depend on the validity of the contract for making these rights .

  7. 他们宣称,转售门票的活动侵犯了他们与演出地点或艺术家的合同权利。

    They said we were infringing on their contracts with venues or performing artists by reselling tickets .

  8. 后契约义务是合同权利义务终止后,当事人负有的附随义务。

    The post-contractual obligation is the statutory attached obligation that contracting parties should bear after the termination of contract .

  9. 最后,比较研究了集体合同权利争议处理制度。

    Finally , there is a study on the CA right dispute resolving system in different countries by comparison .

  10. 对公司章程的违反是对合同权利的破坏,并可能引发违约诉讼。

    A violation of a constitutional infringes contractual rights and may give rise to an action for breach of contract .

  11. 毁约性违约作为判定非违约方可否享有解除或终止合同权利的核心标准,是英美合同法中的重要制度。

    Repudiatory breach , as the main standard which decides whether the non-breach parties can terminate the contract , is an important system in contract law .

  12. 本条款设置的目的是保护承运人在海牙维斯比规则下对货物权益人追偿的合同权利。

    The Clause is designed to preserve the protection which the carrier has under the Hague-Visby Rules by giving a contractual indemnity against the cargo interests .

  13. 第九章转让9.1未经另一方事先书面同意,无论是委托方或是咨询方均不得将其合同权利或义务转让或转包给他人。

    Article 9 Assignment 9.1 Neither Client nor Consultant shall assign or sublet their rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party .

  14. 在行政主体合同权利的限制、行政主体在合同中的特权、合同的瑕疵与救济方面,行政合同均存在有别于普通合同的特性。

    It differs from an ordinary contract in its restrictions over and privileges for the administrative body as well as its allowance for contractual defects and remedies .

  15. 与船舶营运或者救助作业直接相关的,侵犯非合同权利的行为造成其他损失的赔偿请求;

    Claims in respect of other loss resulting from infringement of rights other than contractual rights occurring in direct connection with the operation of the ship or salvage operations ;

  16. 契约行政条件下,部分行政职权以合同权利的形式实现既定权能;其余则以法定或约定形式设为合同权利的“例外”―行政合同特权。

    Under the condition of contractual administration , parts of administrative job power function with the form of the contract right , the rest part function with legal or the privilege form .

  17. 正因如此,相对于政府的债券持有人和其他合同权利人不得不开始担心政府彻底违约或者通过货币贬值来违约的可能性。

    It 's at that point that the bondholders , and holders of other contractual rights against the government , have to start worrying about the prospects for outright default or default through inflation .

  18. 但是,支票交付属于新债清偿,如果支票不获兑现,保险人可以选择主张票据权利或合同权利。

    Even if it needs time to accept the check , check belongs to new debt liquidation . If the check cannot be accepted , the insurers own the option to achieve the right of the bill or right of the contract .

  19. 程序法上的法律效果,主要指应当由当事人向法院主张适用情事变更原则,而不能由法院依职权直接认定,另外适用该原则变更或解除合同权利的法律属性是请求权而不是形成权。

    The procedural effects mainly refer to the claim to the court by the parties . The principle can not be directly determined by the court ' authority . The parties ' right is a requested right , not a formed right .

  20. 根据债的相对性规则,合同权利、义务关系仅发生在当事人之间,债权人要实现自己的债权,只能向债务人请求依约履行。

    According to the relativity of debts , contract rights and responsibilities only occurs between the two sides of the contract , and so the creditor can only make requests to whom he had credited , the direct debtor , for an obligation to the contract .

  21. 法定解除权契合于保险法的内在价值奠定了其合理性基础。保险人在被赋予合法解除保险合同权利的同时,也被附加了按照法律程序和相关规则主张权利的义务。

    Legal relieve power agree with the intrinsic value . of insurance law , and that laid its rational foundation . The insurer has the responsibility of advocating his own rights by legal proceeding and the related rule while he has the rights to relieve the contract .

  22. 12.2以正当理由终止合同的权利保持不变。

    12.2 the right of termination for good cause remains unaffected .

  23. 论船长订立海难救助合同的权利

    On the legal rights of the captain in making salvage contract

  24. 试论托运人在货物运输途中变更合同的权利&评《合同法》第308条

    On Contract Modification by the Shipper during a Voyage

  25. 印第安纳州:法律赋予优先与当地企业签订合同的权利。

    An Indiana law gives preferential treatment in contract bidding to local businesses .

  26. 第六章合同的权利义务终止

    Chapter Six : Discharge of Contractual Rights and Obligations

  27. 合同案例权利逻辑分析方法

    Logical Analysis Method of Rights in Contract Cases

  28. 人身保险合同主体权利义务关系的法律思考

    A Legal Reflection on the Rights and Obligations of Parties to Personal Insurance Contracts

  29. 预购人转让预购合同的权利和义务,必须到登记机关办理登记手续。

    When the staff of the purchasing in advance transfers its right and duty , must register too .

  30. 法律赋予劳动者和用人单位都享有单方解除劳动合同的权利。

    The law entrusts with the employee and the employer all enjoys the right to terminate the labour contract .