
  1. 债权人享有的债权的内容是请求债务人向第三人履行债务,而非向自己履行,并应依约履行对债务人的义务。

    Creditor should acquire debtor to perform liabilities to third party , not to himself .

  2. 通过体系解释、法意解释、比较法解释,可以且应该肯定第三人履行请求权。

    By the methods of semantic interpretation , systematic interpretation , interpretation in accordance with the intention of legislator and the interpretation of comparative law , the beneficiary 's right to performance may and should be affirmed in the Contract Law .

  3. 当事人约定由债务人向第三人履行债务的,债务人未向第三人履行债务或者履行债务不符合约定,应当向债权人承担违约责任。

    Where the parties prescribed that the obligor render performance to a third person , if the obligor fails to render its performance to the third person , or rendered non-conforming performance , it shall be liable to the obligee for breach of contract .

  4. 债务人应依约向第三人履行债务,否则,应向第三人承担违约责任,但是基于合同关系而生的对债权人的一切抗辩,债务人均可以向第三人主张。

    Debtor must perform bis liabilities to third party according to the contract , or else he should bear the liability of the breach , but debtor can protest all demurs , being against the creditor in the light of the contract , to third party .

  5. 第三人主动履行债务探析

    Analysis on Active Performance of Obligations by the Third Party

  6. 第三人不履行义务致使委托人受到损害的,行纪人应当承担损害赔偿责任,但行纪人与委托人另有约定的除外。

    Where the third person failed to perform its obligations , thereby causing damage to the trustor , the trustee-trader shall be liable for damages , except otherwise agreed by the trustee-trader and the trustor .

  7. 建设工程分包各方当事人关系复杂,其法律性质既不同于并存债务转移,也有别于第三人代替履行。

    The relationship among parties concerned of contract for construction projects is complicated , the legal feature of which is not only different from transformation of debt , but also different from the third person replacement .

  8. 保险费的交付义务可否由第三人代为履行是一个颇值得探讨的问题。

    It is controversial whether the obligation of paying the premium could be performed by the third person .

  9. 只有没有利害关系的第三人代为履行才是真正意义上的代履行,在紧急情况下的行政机关代为履行则属于直接强制执行。

    Thus , only the third person who has no stake replaces the fulfillment , and agency that replaces the fulfillment in emergency cases forcefully executes .

  10. 从学理解释和司法实践的角度来看,《合同法》实际上给予了第三人向债务人的履行请求权。

    In the respect of academic interpretation and judicial practice , the third party essentially has the performing claim to debtor according to contract law .

  11. 该类案件中,第三人往往以自己的承诺为第三人代为履行为由进行抗辩债权人的请求,而债权人则往往主张第三人的承诺为债务承担的意思表示。

    In this case , the third in their commitment to tend to perform as a plea of creditors , and request a creditor is often advocate for the debts of the promise for .

  12. 明确案例中借贷合同上第三方的签名行为不应认定为免责的债务承担、第三人代为履行和保证,应认定为债务加入。

    That signature behavior of a third party in the loan contract should not be identified to assume the debts of the exemption , the third party to perform and guarantee should be recognized for the debt to join .