
sī fǎ jiān dū
  • judicial supervision;supervisory jurisdiction
  1. 仲裁的性质决定了司法监督的必然性。

    The arbitral property decides the inevitability of the judicial supervision .

  2. 仲裁的司法监督:过度干预和控制还是适度监督

    Judicial Supervision over Arbitration : Excessive Intervention and Control or Appropriate Supervision

  3. 本文还对普通仲裁的司法监督问题进行了分析,因为它是避免普通仲裁脱离WTO体制的保证。

    In addition , this article make some analysis of the judicial review for the general arbitration , which assure the general arbitration not go away from the WTO system .

  4. 强化司法监督建立司法法律责任追究制度

    Strengthen Justice Supervision , Establish Justice Law Duty Investigation System

  5. 对国际商事仲裁裁决司法监督的论争及评析

    Comments on Dispute Concerning Award of International Commercial Arbitration

  6. 浅议劳动仲裁与司法监督

    A Brief Discussion on Labor Arbitration and Judicial Supervision

  7. 而本文试图以监督模式为视角,对司法监督机制的制度法理进行理论探讨。

    It is institutional legal theory of the entire judicial supervision mechanism operation .

  8. 国内仲裁司法监督制度研究

    Research on the Judicial Supervision System of Domestic Arbitration

  9. 论国际商事仲裁中司法监督的发展趋势

    The Study on Developing Tendency of Judicature Supervision toward International Commercial Business Arbitration

  10. 试论国内仲裁司法监督的范围

    On The Ranges of Justice Supervising Civil Arbitration

  11. 第三层面阐述了对仲裁司法监督的认识,论述了仲裁司法监督的范围。

    And thirdly it discusses the recognition and range of judicial supervision over arbitration .

  12. 抽象行政行为的司法监督机制之建立

    The Foundation of the Mechanism of the Judicial Supervision about the Abstract Administrative Behavior

  13. 我国国内仲裁裁决司法监督的诉讼化模式构想

    Conception on the Litigation Mode of the Judicial Supervision on the Domestic Arbitration Award

  14. 建议取消不予执行仲裁裁决的司法监督方式

    Suggestions on Cancelling the Supervisory Jurisdiction Mode of Refusing to Execute the Arbitral Award

  15. 媒介权力与司法监督

    The Media Power and the Judicial Supervision

  16. 环境行政执法作为环境行政的重要组成部分,司法监督的重要性不言而喻。

    Therefore , the judicial supervision plays a very important role in the environmental administration .

  17. 当前我国有的地方出现了人大对法院司法监督的一种新形式&个案监督。

    On the Political Resource and Strategy of Local People Congresses Implementing Individual Case Supervision ;

  18. 仲裁法规定了撤销裁决和不予执行裁决两种司法监督方式。

    The arbitration law offers two judicial supervision approach including cancellation arbitration and implement denied .

  19. 第六章论述了证券仲裁的司法监督与裁决的执行。

    The last chapter discusses about justice supervision on securities arbitration and arbitrament 's enforcement .

  20. 和不提起公诉的决定一样,和解趋于不适宜司法监督。

    Like decisions not to prosecute , settlements tend to be ill-suited to judicial supervision .

  21. 发展仲裁制度必须改革和重构仲裁的司法监督制度;

    To develop arbitration system , judicial supervision system of arbitration must be reformed and reconstructed .

  22. 从行政制度、法律基础以及司法监督三个方面分别提出了自己的建议。

    It gives proposals from three aspects : administrative system , law basis and judicial supervision .

  23. 如今的中国媒体对司法监督的重大效能也逐渐显现出来。

    Today , the power of the Chinese media on judicial supervision is also appearing gradually .

  24. 司法监督与司法公正

    Judicial supervision and fairness of justice

  25. 论国际商事仲裁的司法监督

    Judicial Supervision Over International Commercial Arbitration

  26. 而仲裁裁决被撤销或者仲裁裁决被不予执行则是司法监督的另一项重要内容。

    However , the reverse and not granted arbitrament are another important content of the judicial supervision .

  27. 总结法院与仲裁关系的历史与现状,展望其未来发展,对完善我国仲裁司法监督与协助制度不乏启迪意义。

    It has edificatory meanings by summing-up the relation of court and arbitration in history and actuality .

  28. 仲裁司法监督制度是为确保仲裁正常发展而设置的最后一道程序保障。

    The judicial supervising system of arbitration is the last procedure to guarantee the normal development of arbitration .

  29. 存在的问题以观念上的误解、实践中的偏差、司法监督不力、冲突的司法观四个方面最为突出。

    The problem consists of ideological misunderstanding , practice variance , sluggish justice supervision and conflicting judicial views .

  30. 行政监管、社会监督和司法监督的相互协作是新体系的基本要求。

    Administrative supervision , social supervision and judicial oversight combination is the basic requirements of the new system .