
  • 网络headquarters work
  1. 曾在湖南省军区司令部工作8年。

    He worked for the headquarters of Hunan Military Area Command for8 years .

  2. 美国海军“获胜号”是一艘由民间人士驾驶的为美国海军补给司令部工作的非武装的海洋监测船。

    The USNS Victorious is an unarmed ocean surveillance ship operated by a civilian mariner crew working for the Military Sealift Command .

  3. 他相信人是生来平等的,因此他用同样的热忱抛开了不在大队司令部工作的全体部下。

    He believed that all men were created equal , and he therefore spurned all men outside group headquarters with equal fevour .

  4. 由于关系比较久,所以我们是派参谋长李达亲自到马头镇他的司令部去做工作的。

    As we had maintained ties with him for a long time , we sent our chief of staff Li Da in person to Gao 's headquarters in Matou , to persuade him to revolt .