
  • 网络judicial offices;Judicial
  1. 论传统刑法文化对刑事司法所带来的负面影响及其改进

    Criminal Judicial Bad Effect and Improvement Brought by Traditional Law Culture

  2. 第二,由已经存在的司法所对私了协议进行评价。

    Second , the existing judicial assesses the compounding protocol .

  3. 如书记官、律师助理、基层司法所工作人员、社区法律服务人员。辅助性法律职业教育的重要特征就是实践性。

    An important feature on legal profession of vocational education is practicality .

  4. 关于加强司法所建设的若干思考

    Reflections on Strengthening the Constructions of Judicial Administrative Stations

  5. 破解三个难题以务实的态度推进司法所建设

    Solving Three Difficult Problems and Promoting the Construction of Judicial Administrative Stations with a Practical Attitude

  6. 加强领导加大工作力度推进司法所建设更快更好的发展

    Reinforcing Leadership , Intensifying Overall Work , and Promoting Faster and Better Development of Constructing Judicial Administrative Stations

  7. 统筹兼顾突出重点大力加强司法所建设

    Greatly Reinforcing the Construction of the Judicial Administrative Stations with Overall Consideration and Laying Stress on Key Points

  8. 司法所建设:司法行政系统构建和谐社会的基础工程&全国司法所建设工作座谈会综述

    Construction of Judicial Administrative Stations : the Basic Project of Constructing A Harmonious Society in the Judicial Administrative Service

  9. 非法证据排除规则作为法治国家的产物也被中国司法所吸收。

    The exclusionary rule as a product of the rule of law is also absorbed by the Chinese judiciary .

  10. 紧抓机遇狠抓落实推动司法所建设目标的全面实现

    Grasping Opportunities and Ensuring Earnest Implementation to Promote the Overall Realization of the Targets of Constructing Judicial Administration Stations

  11. 在这种情况下,九十年代中期被逐渐遗忘的司法所制度或许会是一条很好的出路。

    In this case , office of justice , which has been forgotten in the1900s , may be another way .

  12. 第二章在探讨民意参与司法所带来的积极和消极影响时,利用举例子的方法做了生动的分析。

    The second chapter vividly discussed the positive and negative effects which bringed by the public opinion participating judicature with example .

  13. 加强司法所规范化建设,为构建和谐平安江西作出新贡献

    Reinforcing the Standardization Construction of the Judicial Administrative Stations To Make New Contributions to Constructing A Peaceful and Harmonious Jiangxi Province

  14. 第三章是对北洋政府时期的婚姻司法所作的实证分析。

    Chapter ⅲ analyzes the administration of justice in marriage law through the methods of positivism during the period of the Northern Warlords .

  15. 解决量刑失衡不仅是我国刑事司法所面临的突出问题,也是一个世界性难题。

    To resolve the Sentencing Imbalance is not only faced by the criminal justice in China prominent issue , but also a global problem .

  16. 座谈会结束后,访问团驱车前往龙湖区鸥汀街道司法所参观,实地了解人民调解工作的的运作情况。

    By the end of the discussion , their next destination was Ou Ting Street Justice to learn more about the actual practice of mediation .

  17. 组织变迁及其生存实践的逻辑&楚镇司法所运行的政治生态学考察

    The Logic of the Change and Living Practice of the Organizations & A Political Ecology Review on the Running of the Judicial Organization in Chu Town

  18. 加强基层司法所规范化建设筑牢维护社会稳定第一道防线

    Strengthening the Standardization Construction of Judicial Administrative Stations at the Grass-root Level , and Reinforcing the Maintaining of Social Stability . This is the First Line of Defense

  19. 不过如果司法所看到在世界范围内这个大背景下的上市股票,这一个提议的收购其实提出的问题还是少很多。

    The proposed acquisition poses less of a problem should the Justice Department view the deal in the context of the worldwide market for listed stocks , he said .

  20. 同时,乡镇司法所是基层政权建设的重要组成部分,并且司法所维护社会和谐稳定的任务十分繁重。

    Meanwhile , the township is the grassroots political power of the judiciary an important part , and the judicial task of maintaining social harmony and stability is very heavy .

  21. 沃伦法院对于美国社会的影响是巨大的,它所确立的平等理念至今仍是美国司法所捍卫的原则。

    The influence of The Warren Court on the American society was vast , and the equal protection which was established by the Warren Court is still the principle which is protected by the American judicatory .

  22. 文章最后就行政司法所具功能的发生空间作出了归纳与建构,尝试从构建行政机关解决纠纷制度体系的角度,把握行政司法到在整个纠纷救济链条中的位置。

    At last , this paper makes an induction and construction about the functional space to administrative justice , tries to build the executive settlement system , and defines the administrative justice in the " remedy chain " .

  23. 在新中国成立后,仍为我国司法实践所沿用并普遍适用于司法实践。

    After new China was founded it was used in juridical practice .

  24. 这正是美国司法体系所支持的敲诈勒索。

    This is extortion backed by the US judiciary .

  25. 我们现阶段司法正义所追求的元价值主要有平等、自由、安全和尊严等。

    Nowadays , the metal-value mainly includes equality , freeness , safety and dignity .

  26. 各区域预防犯罪和刑事司法研究所

    Regional Institutes for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

  27. 联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所(犯罪司法所)-罗马,意大利

    United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute ( UNICRI ) - Rome , Italy

  28. 如何有针对性地解决这些问题,是立法和司法领域所面领的共同挑战。

    How to solve these problems effectively is a common challenge for the Legislature and the Judiciary .

  29. 不真正连带责任制度为多数国家的立法、司法判例所采行。

    The legislations and legal precedents in most countries have built up the theory of the unreal joint obligation .

  30. 作为民法理论的一个新的课题,合同附随义务日益为法学理论界和司法实践所重视。

    As a new subject , contractual collateral obligation has brought increasing attention in both jurisprudence and judicature field .