
yè piàn zhènɡ miàn
  • face of blade
  1. 叶片正面与反面的荧光光谱特征;

    Characteristics in fluorescence spectra of the front and the back of leaves ;

  2. 叶片正面气孔数目、刚毛数与品种抗病性不相关。

    The results showed that stoma and bristle number on upper leaves surface is not related with resistance .

  3. 同一品种叶片正面绒毛密度小于背面,正面绒毛长度大于背面;

    For the same variety , leaf pubescence had a higher density but a shorter length on reverse side than on obverse side .

  4. 对叶片正面、导水叶、泄水锥及支持盖等部件可采用环氧金刚砂涂层防护。

    The epoxy resin coating is used to protect the vane front , flow guide vane , flow discharge awl , and support cover and so on .

  5. 三门峡电站水轮机运行约20000h以后,叶片正面和背面的根部断面出现裂绞。

    Since the turbines of Sanmenxia power station have been put into operation about 20000 hours , cracks appeared on both front and back side at the root section of the blades .

  6. 抽雄扬花期主要产在雄穗和新鲜的雌蕊花丝上,分别占591%和269%,叶片正面和茎杆上分别只占111%和29%。

    But during the period of male heading , 59 1 % of the eggs was laid on male ear , 26 1 % on fresh pistils , 11 1 % on the upper side of the leaf , and 2 9 % on the stem .

  7. 采用试管苗中部叶片,叶子正面向上放置,叶片带1/2叶柄,叶柄浅插入培养基中,接种在培养基MS+6-BA1.0+KT0.5+NAA0.4中,可以直接再生出芽苗;

    The middle part of leaves is suitable , put the leaves to face upward , with 1 / 2 petiole , the petiole is inserted lightly into the medium , the suitable medium is : MS + 6-BA1.0 + NAA0.4 . It can directly regenerate bud plantlet ;

  8. 叶片病斑初为暗褐色小点,后扩大成黑褐色圆斑,潮湿时在叶片正面产生橘红色粘质小点,干燥时转变为黑色;

    The viscid dot appears on the front of blade , when it is moist , and change into black at the time of the dryness ;