- Leaf spot;tikka

Fig.2.Conidiophores and conidia of Alternaria alternata produced on leaf spot of Basella rubra ( A , B ) .
Morphological Classification and RAPD Analysis of Maize Curvularia Leaf Spot Fungus
A Study on the One-step RT-PCR for Detection of Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus
Study on the techniques of ELISA in the detection of different strains of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus
Effect of Antifungal Substances from Endophytic Bacteria B_ ( 36 ) on Fulvia fulva Identification of Cucumber Target Leaf Spot ( Brown Spot ) Pathogen and Its Control
Digenic epistasis interaction existed between some QTLs controlling resistance to Curvularia lunata .
SSR Linkage Map Construction and QTL Analysis for Curvularia Leaf Spot Disease in Maize
The nested PCR detection results in artificially inoculated pepper leaves with different incubation period showed that pathogen could be detected on the second day after inoculation .
Study on Vegetative Compatibility of Maize Curvularia Leaf Spot Fungus with Nit Mutants and RAPD Fingerprint
The Record and Identification of the Two Types of Gourd Crop Leaf-Spot Caused by Alternaria Infection
Study on the Production of Nit Mutant of Maize Curvularia Leaf Spot Fungus
The disease gradient model , which was established using the software for SPSS , shows that exponential model is the optimum one in Shenyang region .
Typical symptoms are leaf lesions , leaf yellowing , shoot stunting , stem discoloration , crown rot and root rot. Frequencies of E. astragali in petioles and stems were significantly ( P0.05 ) higher than in leaf blades and roots .
The leaf spot of Gardenia jasminoides is a kind of fungal disease . The most suitable temperature for mycelium grow is 24.8 ℃, pH 7.0 , the carbonium is glucose and the relative humidity is 75 % .
Genetic Analysis of Maize Resistance to Curvularia Leaf Spot by ADAA Model
Study of garlic leaf blotch ( cladosporium allii ) ⅳ . yield loss assessment and fungicide control experiments
Effects of CLSV on the changes in peroxidase activity and in the isozymograms of Malus species
A computer program was developed , which was suitable to Sharp PC-1500 pocket computer . It can be used for data collection and processing for resistance to wheat stripe rust , powdery mildew , virus and leaf spot diseases in the field .
At 10 ℃ for 8h , the germination rate of conidia produced from the stem spots and from the leaf spots are up to 55 % and 40 % respectively .
Using pear leave and cortexes which contain apple chlorotic leaf spot virus and Chenopodium quinoa as materials , methods of extract total RNA , RT-PCR , clone and enzyme digest , sequence of special fragments were used and compared in these two kind plants .
Curvularia leaf spot ( CLS ) was caused by Curvularia lunata mainly as well as other Curvularia species . On the Resistance Identification of Maize Hybrids to Curvularia Leaf Spot
A RGA-CAPS Marker Closely Linked to Grap Leaf Spot Resistance - ( related ) Gene of Lolium multiflorum
Chenopodium quinoa was used as isolate and propagation hosts of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus . CLSV was isolated from apple petales infected by apple latent viruses .
Eight differential hosts of main maize cultivars in Heilongjiang province were used to , determine the pathogenicity heterogeneity to the strains of maize curvularia ( Curvularia lunata ( Wakker ) Boed . )
Curvularia leaf spot of maize caused by Curvularia lunata has been an important disease happened in maize in recent years , and has formed a new risk to maize production .
But the heat treatment can raise the virus elimination rate significantly . The SGV and CLSV elimination rate of Fuji is raised by 22.3 % and 22.2 % respectively .
Tests on spore germination indicated that the fermentation product of N18 had an inhabitation of98.47 % and96.15 % against Bipolaris sorokiniana and Cercospora sorghi , respectively .
Twenty bacterial strains were isolated from the disease infected plants and seeds of soybean . They were tested by morphology , cultural characteristic , physiological and biochemical , pathogenicity , Biolog and fatty acid analysis and compared with those of 12 international standard reference strains .
The morphological characteristics , pathogenicity , the DNA sequence of ribosomal ITS and biological characteristics of the pathogen were studied . In a test of pathogenicity , the organism was able to infect F.
Trichovirus is a new plant virus genus established in 1993 . Currently , the genus embraces four species , with Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus ( ACLSV ) as a type member .