
  • 网络rachis
  1. 八种苏铁植物叶轴的比较解剖研究

    Comparative Anatomic Studies on Rachis of Eight Species of Cycads

  2. 通过对刺槐复叶中小叶和叶轴两部分的再生试验,确定刺槐的叶轴作为本试验进行遗传转化的受体材料。

    Via the study for the regeneration of the folioles and rachis of the compound leaf , rachis is selected for the genetic transformation .

  3. 轴流泵叶轮与导叶轴向间隙内流场的3D-PIV测量

    3D-PIV Measurements in Clearance between the Impeller and the Diffuser of an Axial Flow Pump

  4. 其次,利用3D-PIV仪器,在解决了测试断面的三维标定之后,测取了叶轮与导叶轴向间隙流场中的粒子图像;

    Secondly , the 3D-PIV was applied to get the particle images of the flow fields , in clearance between the impeller and the diffuser , after solving the calibrations of the measurement section in an axial flow pump .

  5. 叶轴形状对旋风子性能影响的研究

    Research Findings Concerning the Effect of Axle Shapes on the Performance of Cyclone Separators

  6. 带后导叶轴流式通风机内流特征的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Inner Flow Characteristics of an Axial Fan with Rear Guide Vanes

  7. 单级后置导叶轴流通风机内部流场数值模拟与优化导流板,流体导向叶片

    Numerical Simulation and Optimization for the Inner Flow Field of Single-stage Axial-flow Fan with Back Vane

  8. 叶轴也来自叶原基和在中央区保留的原形成层细胞。

    The leaf axis arises from the leaf buttress and maintains procambial continuity in the central region .

  9. 分析了不同流量下加导叶轴流泵器的流量和扬程、功率和效率的关系;

    Relationship between discharge and head , power , efficiency of axial waterjet pump with guide vane is analyzed .

  10. 中型贯流式机组顶盖与底环导叶轴孔同镗工装设计

    The Design of Tool Set-up for Simultaneous Boring Holes of Guide Vanes of Head Cover and Bottom for Medium Bulb Turbine

  11. 研究还发现苏铁科种类的叶轴的近轴面均像叶片那样具有栅栏组织状同化组织存在。

    The study discovered that there are assimilating tissue which like the shape of palisade tissue in adaxial surface of rachis in all species of Cycas .

  12. 所研究的这种高效节能的弯掠动叶轴流风机为进一步在电力系统中应用提供了理论和试验基础。

    The research of the high-efficiency axial fan with skewed-swept rotating blades is given the basis of theory and testing in application of electric power system .

  13. 苏铁类植物叶轴具有旱生植物的解剖结构特征:角质层较厚、表皮细胞壁厚、机械组织发达、晶体较多、分泌道和维管束数目较多等结构特征。

    The rachis of these cycads had structure characteristic of xerophytes , i.e. , thicker cuticular membrane , developed mechanical tissue , the more secretion , crystal and secretory canal and more number of vascular bundles etc.

  14. 在9种苏铁类植物叶轴的结构中发现,苏铁科6个种的叶轴都有与羽片一样的栅栏组织和海绵组织结构,这是植物适应环境的一种很进化的现象;

    As the structure of the pinnaes , palisade and spongy tissues are found in the structure of the rachises of the 9 species of cycads , which is an advent appearance that cycads adapt to the environment .

  15. 两耳草一种小穗沿叶轴排成两行的低矮蔓生草(两耳草雀稗属)虎尾草属的任何一种草;出现在矮草原尤其在荒原或土壤贫瘠地区。

    A low-growing , weedy grass ( Paspalum distichum ) with spikelets arranged in two rows along the rachis . any grass of the genus Chloris ; occurs in short grassland especially on waste ground or poor soils .