
  • 网络River Yenisei;yenisey;Yenisei;Yenisei River
  1. 另外叶尼塞河作为俄罗斯国内重要河流,但是也受到了很严重的放射性污染。

    In addition to being an important waterway , the Yenisei is also severely radioactively contaminated .

  2. 居住在西伯利亚西部叶尼塞河流域的一群人中的一部分人。

    A member of one of the groups living in the Yenisei river valley in western Siberia .

  3. BolshoiBalchug附近的一座钚炸弹工厂数十年来一直向叶尼塞河排放放射性污染物。

    A bomb-grade plutonium factory near Bolshoi Balchug has been discharging radioactive particles into the river for decades .

  4. 它是俄罗斯水电发电的主要来源,且西伯利亚平原很多村民都是依靠叶尼塞河打渔为生。

    It is also a major source of hydroelectric power . Many Siberian villagers depend on the river for fishing .

  5. 叶尼塞河是世界上流量第六大河流,它数千公里长,流经很多重要城市。

    The world 's sixth largest river by discharge , the Yenisei is thousands of kilometers in length and passes through several major cities .

  6. 俄罗斯的叶尼塞河是西西伯利亚平原与东西伯利亚高原的分界线,朝向北流向喀拉海。

    Russia 's Yenisei River ( also spelled " Yenisey " ) divides Western and Eastern Siberia , flowing north before emptying into the Kara Sea .

  7. 这个源于西西伯利亚南部叶尼塞河上游的古老民族,有着自己独特而传奇的生活方式和文化传承。

    The ancient nation with its origins in the Yenisei River in southern West Siberia has its own unique and legendary life style and cultural tradition .

  8. 稍后一些时候,他们部落的一些人迁徙到了现在西伯利亚的南部地区并且沿着叶尼塞河定居下来。从六世纪到八世纪一直居住在那里。

    Later , some of their tribes migrated to the region that is currently southern Siberia and settled along the Yenisei River , where they lived from the6th until the8th centuries .

  9. 去年,普京身着迷彩裤,赤裸着上身在叶尼塞河钓鱼的照片登上世界各地很多时尚杂志,照片中普京完美的肌肉线条显露无遗。

    Putin last year made it into glossy magazines across the world by donning combat trousers and baring his muscular torso for photographers while on a fishing trip in the Yenisei river .