
  • 网络Syr Darya;Syr-Darya;Jaxartes
  1. 因被月氏排挤而西迁,一部分退至锡尔河北岸,另一些南下帕米尔,散居各地。

    Under pressure from the Rouzhi , they moved westward ― some to the north bank of the Sir River , while others southward to scatter in the areas of the Pamirs .

  2. 各大王国包括克什米尔、尼泊尔、越南、日本、韩国、分布在阿姆河附近的超过9个国家和中亚南部的锡尔河都向大唐进贡。

    Some of the major kingdoms paying tribute to the Tang Dynasty included Kashmir , Neparo ( Nepal ) , Vietnam , Japan , Korea , over nine kingdoms located in Amu Darya and Syr Darya valley in south of mid-Asia .