- Leaf tip;apex;leaf opex

Identification of Pathogen of Wrinkling on Sweet Osmanthus Leaf Apex Legionnaires ' disease
The maximum stomatal density was found in the leaf base , while the minimum in the leaf apex . Stomatal distribution became more symmetrical with the increase of planting densities .
Application of CAD in Blade Tip Grounding Tool Design
PIV investigation of blade tip flow in open axial fan
Internal flow in an isolated axial compressor is numerically studied by solving NavierStokes equations and Euler equations in this paper .
The MCN Technique of Leaf Apex of Vicia faba Applied to Ozone in Appn-to Field Chamber
Five turbine tip clearance loss models , widely used in engineering practice , were analyzed and compared comprehensively on the basis of the CFD numerical simulation .
By utilizing CFD software Fluent , the paper investigates the power augmentation rules of the wind turbine with and without V type tip vane or S type tip vane .
The simulation results show that , the wind turbine operates with the best tip ratio speed under rated wind speed . The proposed control method has better control performance .
According to the synchronized conversion theory of tip timing sensor signal , the time signal corresponding to the maximum of the fiber Bragg grating center wavelength fiber grating is the time impulse signal demanded when blade reaches the tip-timing sensor .
To analyze blade tip exhaust edge fracture failure in stage ⅳ rotor-blade of an engine HP compressor , relative vibration stress and vibration characteristics are calculated by using the finite element software ANSYS .
A three dimension numerical simulation software named NUMECA ( numerical mechanics application ) was used to calculate the tip clearance flow of fan / compressor . The flow field performance under design speed condition was obtained .
With help of experiment and CFD simulations , character of tip vortex and trailing edge vortex of partly-ducted axial flow fan is studied , with flow change in outdoor units also analyzed . 2 .
This paper studied the velocity field of a forward swept axial-flow fan with no casing configuration by means of PIV technology , and a tip vortex phenomenon is observed .
Profile loss is calculated by numerical method on several S1 flow surfaces . Secondary loss and tip-leadage loss are empirically estimated with pitch-wide average losses along the cascade blades .
The fixed frequency pulse filling method , and the combination of CPLD , FIFO and EPP are adopted to realize 10 ns tip-timing accuracy .
The blade tip speed is limited to subsonic . The formulation is based on the FW-H equation .
In contrast with leeward , windward leaves faded at the top end and around , following with contents of chlorophyll and water descended , while accumulated more sodium and less calcium and magnesium but potassium contents changed little , due to the spoondrift effect .
Finally , ANSYS software is used to analyzed the variation of tip clearance with the method of cyclic symmetry analysis when engine works under the conditions of temperature and rotational speed , AM using a new method to deal with thermal contact resistance in the calculation .
As examples , the calculations on free wake of UH 1 and H 34 rotors are performed for different advance ratios , and the feature of highly distorted free wake shapes and the strong tendency toward a rapid wake roll up for low speed case are exhibited .
An experimental investigation associated with the basic fluid mechanics in an axial flow fan is described in this paper . The flow field in the tip region has been studied by laser Doppler anemometer ( LDA ) and flow visualization technique .
The relationships among thrust coefficient , torque coefficient , power coefficient and blade top speed ratio of the blade s mentioned above are calculated by optimum Glauert method .
A 3D numerical simulation software was developed to calculate the tip-clearance flow of ATS-2 , a high-loading transonic compressor , and the results were compared with the experiments .
With the Y type structure of single fiber transmitting and fiber bundles receiving , the tip-timing sensor can realize detecting faint light signals by using high performance integrated chip . This design makes the SNR bigger than 500 and the bandwidth bigger than 50 MHz .
The Effects of Tip Clearance on Stability of Axial Compression System
A model for estimating tip clearances in gas turbine engine transients
Influence of tip clearance on AERODYNAMIC-AEROACOUSTIC performance of Skewed-Swept rotating blades
Research on Optimal Tip-Speed Ratio Control Strategy in Wind Generation System
Take a second leaf and fold the center point down .
A Blade Speed Control System Used for Wind Turbine Features Test