
  1. 我们给木料油漆以防雨水侵蚀。

    We painted wood to protect it against the rain .

  2. 所以雨水侵蚀土壤,将它冲进河里。

    So the rain eroded the soil and swept it into the rivers .

  3. 每个纸箱都内衬防水纸,因而不会被潮湿和雨水侵蚀。

    Each be lined with waterproof paper , so that can not be spoil by dampness or rain .

  4. 具有结构简单,防止雨水侵蚀和调整收讯角度准确、方便的优点。

    The utility model has the advantages of simple structure , rain water erosion prevention , exact receiving angle adjustment and convenience .

  5. 他们发现,免耕土壤表层2.5厘米厚的表土抗雨水侵蚀的能力比传统耕作土壤强7倍。

    They found that the first two and a half centimeters of topsoil are up to seven times stronger against rain than plowed soil .

  6. 灯主体材料全铝或不锈钢外壳及镀膜喷塑工艺,有效抵御雨水侵蚀,室外使用更长久;

    Its pure aluminum or stainless steel housing and coating and plastic spraying technology can efficiently protect against the rain and make its service life of outdoor using much longer .

  7. 螭首有三点重要的实用功能:排水口装饰、承重与平衡台基、防止台基遭雨水侵蚀。

    There are three important practical function of the head of Chi , that is decorative outfall , load-bearing and balance stylobate , and preventing the stylobate from the platform by rain .

  8. 车流量大,轴载重,渠化程度高是现代道路交通的主要特点,这就要求路面在高温下不出现车辙和推挤,在低温及雨水侵蚀下不开裂、松散。

    Traffic axle-load is heavy , high degree of drainage are the main features of the modern road , which requires pavement rutting at high temperatures and does not appear to push the cold and rain erosion is not cracking , loose .

  9. 当时的国民托管组织实地考察后宣布,墙壁渗水太过严重,已经无法修复。更不幸的是画廊里那些价值连城的作品因为雨水侵蚀,损毁严重,直接导致了画廊主人破产。

    The picture gallery suffered water staining , while the walls themselves began to crack under the constant drip of rain . According to the National Trust , the flawed roof was so difficult to maintain that it directly contributed to the bankruptcy of its owner .

  10. 前方不远处有些很大的高岩,看起来像是砂岩,被风和想来总会下的那么一点点雨水侵蚀成旷野怪诞的形状,刚好同贫瘠的橙色地面上的那些巨型仙人掌相配——他们时不时冒出一棵来,形状也是同样的放荡不羁。

    Some way ahead of them were great cliffs that looked like sandstone , eroded by the wind and what little rain presumably fell in those parts into wild and fantastic shapes , which matched the fantastic shapes of the giant cacti that sprouted here and there from the arid , orange landscape .

  11. 部分山洞因受到雨水的侵蚀和空气接触,损坏严重。

    Parts of the cave have been badly affected by rain and exposure to the air .

  12. 因此,这些腐蚀是海运途中雨水的侵蚀造成的。千百年来海水一直在侵蚀着这悬崖峭壁。

    " Therefore , the corrosion is caused by erosion of rainwater during ocean shipping . " The sea has been eating away at this cliff for centuries .

  13. 桥面铺装层作为桥梁和车辆之间的连接部分,不仅能保护桥面板免受车辆的直接磨耗又能免遭雨水的侵蚀,同时还能起到分散车辆荷载作用。

    Bridge deck pavement , as jointing part between bridge and vehicle , not only protects the bridge deck from direct vehicle wear and rain erosion but also disperses the vehicle load .