
  • 网络AmeS
  1. 兹魏本早先效力于美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心(NASAAmesResearchCenter),此前还创立过“蓝色马提尼软件公司”(BlueMartiniSoftware)。

    Previously , Zweben worked at the NASA Ames Research Center ; he also founded Blue Martini Software .

  2. 艾姆斯将这段超有爱的视频发布到了YouTube上。

    Ames , who thought the performance was endearing , posted it to YouTube .

  3. 艾姆斯从她慌张的眼神推断出她在撒谎。

    Imes concluded from her fluttered look that she was lying .

  4. 小艾姆斯哭着要他的玩具。

    Little imes is crying for his toy .

  5. 艾姆斯在一家交易所里当顾问。

    Imes consults for a trading company .

  6. 老师站在餐队旁,看见艾姆斯插队,把他唤回按秩序等待。

    The teacher beside the lunch line saw imes cut in , and she sent him back to wait his turn .

  7. 本月早些时候,有报道称NASA已决定不准中国籍人员参加将于下个月在加州艾姆斯研究中心(AmesResearchCenter)召开的开普勒科学大会(KeplerScienceConference)。

    It was reported earlier this month that NASA had decided to exclude Chinese nationals from the Kepler Science Conference taking place at the Ames research center in California next month .

  8. 尽管如此,美国领先稀土研究中心艾姆斯国家实验室(ameslaboratory)主任亚历克斯金(alexking)表示,在某些领域,很难找到稀土的替代品。

    Still , in certain areas rare earths will be difficult to replace , says Alex King director of the Ames laboratory , the leading us rare earth research centre .

  9. 在加州山景市NASA艾姆斯研究中心(AmesResearchCenter)工作的天体生物学家克里斯多弗·P·麦凯(ChristopherP.McKay)认为,季节性坡纹并非很有前景的方向。

    Christopher P. McKay , an astrobiologist at NASA 's Ames Research Center in Mountain View , Calif. , does not think the recurring slope linae are a very promising place to look .

  10. 负责运行开普勒的NASA艾姆斯研究中心(NASAAmesResearchCenter)的女发言人米歇尔·约翰逊(MicheleJohnson)称,迄今,开普勒已经发现了4175颗疑似行星,其中有1004颗已经得到证实。

    So far , Kepler has discovered 4175 potential planets , and 1004 of them have been confirmed as real , according to Michele Johnson , a spokeswoman at NASA 's Ames Research Center , which operates Kepler .

  11. 美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的开普勒项目负责人比尔?伯鲁奇说:“我们现在已经证实‘开普勒22b’适合居住。”

    Bill Borucki , Kepler principal investigator at NASA Ames Research Centre , said : " We have now got good planet confirmation with Kepler 22b . "

  12. 恐怕这就是问题所在,艾姆斯小姐。

    I 'm afraid that 's the trouble , miss ames .

  13. 奥斯汀艾姆斯加冕返校节舞会王子称号。

    Austin Ames was crowned Prince of the homecoming dance .

  14. 可是艾姆斯说话的口气没有丝毫的嘲讽或傲慢的味道。

    Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke .

  15. 同样也留下了艾姆斯带进她生活的理想。

    So , too , the ideal brought into her life by Ames remained .

  16. 圣彼得堡,有着“北方威尼斯”、“俄罗斯的艾姆斯特丹”和“北方棕榈海滩”之称。

    This city was called both Northern Venice and Russian Amsterdam and Northern Palmyra .

  17. 而且,艾姆斯市是招徕自己支持者投票的地方。

    Moreover , Ames is a bring-your-own-voters affair .

  18. 艾姆斯从衣帽间取出他的大衣。

    Imes removed his greatcoat from the cloakroom .

  19. 艾姆斯知道问题的答案,但他却不说。

    Imes knew the answer to the problem , but he kept it to himself .

  20. 描述:这个爱荷华州艾姆斯水污染防治部门的官方网站。

    This is a official website of Ames , Iowa Water and Pollution Control Department .

  21. 艾姆斯又转眼望去,嘉莉又看着他的额头。

    Ames was looking away again , and Carrie was again looking at his forehead .

  22. 克里斯·麦克凯伊是美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的行星科学家。

    Chris Mckay is a planetary scientist at NASA 's Ames research center in California .

  23. 要想打动她,得有高人一等的优势善意的优势-像艾姆斯那样的天才的优势。

    It required superiority kindly superiority to move her the superiority of a genius like Ames .

  24. 杭州市区四个单位应用艾姆斯试验的八年回顾

    Summarize Application of Ames Test for the Past Eight Years by Four Units in Hangzhou in Retrospect

  25. 可持续发展基地是美国宇航局艾姆斯一个项目,为员工创造一个支持和培训的工作区。

    NASA Ames Sustainability Base : Sustainability Base is a NASA Ames project to create a supportive and nurturing workspace for employees .

  26. 艾姆斯因为坐在嘉莉身边。便觉得自己责无旁贷地要照顾她一些。

    Ames had taken a seat beside Carrie , and accordingly he felt it his bounden duty to pay her some attention .

  27. 彭德尔顿领导的月球研究所总部设在加利福尼亚州圣何塞市艾姆斯研究中心。

    The Lunar Science Institute which Pendleton now leads has its headquarters at the Ames Research Center in San Jose , California .

  28. 万斯夫妇不停地插话,艾姆斯只能断断续续地谈些这类难忘的事情。不过,这些已经足够了。

    Mr. and Mrs. Vance kept up a running fire of interruptions , and these impressive things by Ames came at odd moments .

  29. 美国政府计划增加资金投入,但国会正在进行的预算之争,已导致艾姆斯国家实验室的数个新研究项目暂停。

    The government plans to increase funding but the ongoing budget debate in Congress has held up several new projects at the Ames lab.

  30. 艾姆斯对雅虎新闻解释了事情原委:9月17日,奥地利举国为庆祝节日,在夜间鸣放烟花。

    On the night of September 17 , fireworks were going off for a celebration in Austria , Ames explained to Yahoo News .