- sentences and phrases;periods and commas;the period and the comma

(1) [periods and commas]∶中国古代文章中没有标点符号,诵读时称文句中停顿的地方,语气已经完的叫句,没有完的叫读,由读者用圈(句号)和点(逗号)来标记
习其句读。--唐. 韩愈《师说》
(2) [sentences and phrases]∶连称句读时,句是语意完整的一小段,读是句中语意未完,语气可停的更小的段落
Meanwhile , it should also consider the factor that the music sing in opera sentences and phrases .
Really approve to the supplementary sentence that can bring help to sentences and phrases of Za Ju 's text .
Method of sentence segmentation and punctuating for ancient Chinese literatures based on cascaded CRF The Syntactic Difference of Negative Marks Between Nanchang Dialect and Putonghua
I want you to read that last sentence clearly .
Research on Sentence Segmentation and Punctuation in Ancient Chinese
It sounds strange . How come there are forty-five days in a month ?
Now that you have read that sentence , reread the one that precedes .
What a dictionary of idioms ! There are not any commendatory terms about us rats .
During READ or BROWSE , you can also add any sayings to your FAVORITES list easily , where you may also delete them later .
This paper , based on the analysis of the structure format of the contrastive sentence in Xunzi , summed up the contrastive sentence of syntax face .
Third , from divide chapter , sentences and phrases , collate , phonetic notation , rhyme , explanatory note content in Laozi original meaning make detailed analysis .
In the preface we introduces the author , background and edition , then , defines the principles of sentence and sums up the system of the syntax .
The second part is the explanation of its contents from the font , pronunciation and the meaning , which is the most important part of the thesis .
The fourth part is the explanation features of the work , which is based on the explaining of pronunciation and meaning through dialects and the utilization of ancient Chinese character materials .
Study on the word " adoptive mother " from the point of view of the history of Chinese language and culture , will involve the textual criticism , punctuations and historical facts .
The syntax system in Ma Shi Wen Tong consists of five parts , Syntax Unit Theory , Sentence Composition Theory , Cases Theory , Sentence Structure Pattern Theory and Sentence Mood Type Theory .
They had to put the poem in the proper order , but were only allowed to look at their own line from the poem-they had to read the line to the others and work together to put the poem in order .
The ancient Chinese sentence marking method which includes the write tool " dianzi " and the write pigment " danqian " and the rules about how to mark the sentence and clause , is the unprecedented undertaking matter of the cultural history .