
jù fǎ jié ɡòu
  • structure;syntactic construction
  1. Tough结构是一种特殊的句法结构,其谓词特征决定结构类型。

    Tough construction has a very special syntactic structure , and its typological features lie in its special predication .

  2. 在对V开结构进行语义分析时,采取形式和意义相结合的原则,找出V开结构隐性的语义内容和显性的句法结构之间的对应关系。

    Based on the principle of form and meaning integrated , We find out the corresponding relation between deep semantic contents and surface syntactic structure .

  3. 这一句法结构演化的动因是效益最大化(maximizationofeconomy)原则。

    The motivation of the construction 's evolvement is the principle of maximization of economy .

  4. 英语被动句的句法结构为S+Be+V-en+(Bytheagent),它也有原型和非原型之分。

    The syntactic structure of the passive sentence in English is : S + Be + V-en + ( By the agent ) and it also has the divisions of the prototype and the non-prototypes .

  5. 英语的Tough结构是一个特殊复杂的句法结构,它包含一个Tough谓词。

    English TC is a complex syntactic structure which involves a Tough-predicate and indicates an underlying subject-patient / theme relationship between the matrix subject and the infinitival verb .

  6. 基于HNC理论的句法结构歧义消解

    An HNC Approach to the Resolution of Syntactic Structural Ambiguity

  7. 本文根据汉语句法结构的特点,提出了一种生成具有复杂特征集的多叉树(MMT)的汉语句法分析方法。

    This paper puts forward a Chinese language parsing method for generation of syntactic trees with complex syntactic and semantic features .

  8. 和给出了在HPSG句法结构树上归纳的属性依存关系的递归定义。

    And we give the inductive definition of attribute dependencies induced in the syntactic attributed tree .

  9. 无论是现代语言学之父Saussure的《普通语言学教程》还是Chomsky的代表作《句法结构》,其研究对象都是语言系统本身而非语言的应用。

    From Course in General Linguistic of Saussure and Syntactic Structure of Chomsky , the goal of linguistic research is the language system rather than the application of language .

  10. 在现代汉语中,有一种由名词时、时候放在各类谓词性成分之后构成VP时、VP的时候的句法结构,在句中充当状语,一般语法著作都认为其语义性质是表时间。

    The When + VP structure in modern Chinese language , formed by using nouns " shi " or " shihou " after the predicate , often serves as an adverbial and is generally considered as denoting time .

  11. 分别分析了N1为时间、处所、材料或工具、领属者时,语义组合与句法结构之间的对应关系,并列表加以总结。

    Analyzed the relationship between syntactic structure and semantic combination respectively when Nlis time , place , material or tool and possessor in the pattern . A table was arranged to summarize the relationship .

  12. 基于句法结构的译文选择将句法上下文集合视为词包,统计集合中各词的词信息和词性信息作为上下文特征,以Bayes最小错误概率公式作为评价函数选择译文。

    The translation choice is realized on the basis of a grammar tree and takes the context as a word bag , with the lexicon and POS tag information as context features . The Bayes minimal error probability is taken as the evaluation function of the candidate translation .

  13. 作者发现,对于被动语态不同的句法结构,比如be-passivesandget-passives,无论是初学者还是英语教师都需要投入很多的精力去掌握和讲授。

    But it is found by the author that either the students or the teachers have to pay more great importance to the different syntactic forms of passive voice , such as be-passives and get-passives .

  14. 因此语境对句法结构的制约特别大。

    Thus the syntactic structure is restricted greatly by the context .

  15. 科技汉语句法结构二维分析模式

    Two-dimensional Analytical Pattern of Sentence Structure in Scientific and Technological Chinese

  16. 句法结构是语篇结构语法化的结果。

    A syntactic structure results of grammaticalization of a textual structure .

  17. 在句法结构顺序上,两者有一定的定位性。

    The two have certain positions in their syntactical structural order .

  18. 从英语句法结构看音节模式

    An Analysis of English Syllable Templates in Light of Syntactic Structures

  19. 韵律特征对句法结构歧义解歧作用的实验研究

    An Experimental Research on the Role of Prosodic Features in Disambiguation

  20. 到的词性及相关句法结构分析

    Morphological Feature of " Dao " and Related Sentence Structure Analysis

  21. 从句法结构看钦定本《圣经》的文体特征

    On stylistic features of syntactical structure in the King James Bible

  22. 第二部分分析了反转致使句的句法结构。

    The second part analyzes the syntax structure of inverted causative sentence .

  23. 句意是指句法结构体在实际使用中所产生或形成的语用内涵或信息。

    Syntactic meaning refers to the actural pragmatic implications of sentence structure .

  24. 简论英汉语句法结构的差异

    On the Syntactic Differences between English and Ch in ese

  25. 述补结构是一种重要的句法结构,它在汉语史中占有极其重要的作用。

    Predicate-complement Structure is one kind of important syntax structure .

  26. 词的动态色彩意义与句法结构、语义结构和语用结构

    Dynamic Connotative Meanings Of Words And Grammatical Structure Semantic Structure Pragmatic Structure

  27. 句法结构歧义成因的思考

    The Ponderation on the Causes of Ambiguity in Syntactic Structure

  28. 句法结构中的移位是人类语言中一种比较常见的现象。

    The movement operation is a pervasive phenomenon in languages .

  29. 移位属于有标记的句法结构。

    Furthermore dislocation structures may be regarded as marked constructions .

  30. 基于句子对齐的汉语句法结构推导的计算模型

    A Computational Model for Chinese Syntactic Structure Induction Based on Sentence Alignment