
shǒu wàn
  • wrist;skill;finesse;artifice;trick;craft;stratagem
手腕 [shǒu wàn]
  • (1) [trick;artifice]∶待人处世的不正当方法

  • 耍手腕

  • (2) [finesse]∶本领;方法和技巧

  • 新来的厂长有点手腕

  • 作者手腕高妙

  • (3) [stratagem;skill]∶为达到某一目的而采取的方法或手段

  • 外交手腕

手腕[shǒu wàn]
  1. 至于布里格斯,他的父亲决不要弄手腕。

    As to Briggs , his father made no show of artifice about it .

  2. 手腕真皮组织出现硬块,手术后为什么重复又增生?

    Artifice derma organizes occurrence nugget , why to repeat after the operation proliferous ?

  3. 她施展手腕使自己进入了公司最高领导层。

    She manoeuvred her way to the top of the company .

  4. 我感觉她的指甲抠进了我的手腕里。

    I felt her nails sink into my wrist .

  5. 他手腕一抖把球传了回来。

    He threw the ball back with a quick flick of the wrist .

  6. 他抓住她的手腕,使她无法挣脱。

    He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn 't get away .

  7. 她的手腕上绳子勒过的地方都磨红了。

    Her wrists chafed where the rope had been .

  8. 解决这个争端需要十分老练和娴熟的外交手腕。

    Settling the dispute required great tact and diplomacy .

  9. 她把手镯戴上手腕扣牢。

    She clasped the bracelet around her wrist .

  10. 凯紧紧抓住他的手腕。

    Kay grasped him by the wrist .

  11. 他擅长于通过计谋和外交手腕赢得他用武力无法得到的东西。

    He knew how to win by craft and diplomacy what he could not gain by force .

  12. 马斯特斯迅速把手伸到桌对面,紧紧抓住他的手腕。

    Masters shot a hand across the table and gripped his wrist

  13. 他是公认的匈牙利最有手腕的政治家。

    He is widely regarded as Hungary 's most skilful politician .

  14. 最后,他高明的法律手腕使他如愿以偿。

    In the end , his brilliant legal footwork paid off .

  15. 我的手腕患有轻微关节炎。

    I have a touch of arthritis in the wrist .

  16. 他停下来面对着她,放开了她的手腕。

    He stopped and faced her , releasing her wrist .

  17. 他以睿智的政治头脑和强势的管理手腕出名。

    He is known for his political savvy and strong management skills .

  18. 我抓起她绵软无力的手腕。

    I picked up her wrist . It was limp and flaccid .

  19. 她身量苗条,手腕和脚踝曲线玲珑。

    She was slender , with delicate wrists and ankles .

  20. 我有限的外交手腕儿受到了极其严峻的考验。

    My limited diplomatic skills were tested to the utmost

  21. 这些年以来,他一直跟他的朋友杰西·杰克逊为政治手腕的问题争论不休。

    Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics

  22. 命运线始于接近手腕的地方。

    The fate line begins close to the wrist

  23. 加里多抓住她的手腕。

    Garrido caught her by the wrist .

  24. 他依靠手腕巧妙地重掌权力。

    He brilliantly manoeuvred himself back to power

  25. 他手腕猛一用力推开戴维,让这小伙子打了个踉跄。

    He let David go with a thrust of his wrist that sent the lad reeling

  26. 要么用浴用温度计测量水温,要么用手腕试一下。

    Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with your wrist

  27. 他的手指紧紧抓住布莱克的手腕。

    His fingers clawed at Blake 's wrist

  28. 他轻轻地握住她的手腕。

    His fingers curled gently round her wrist

  29. 他把她的胳膊扭到背后,在她手腕上拷上一副手铐。

    He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists

  30. 他的政治手腕高超是出了名的。

    His political skill is legendary .