
  • 网络ancient Greek;Hellenes;Greeks;The ancient Greeks
  1. 古希腊人的一些哲学理论似乎源自于东方。

    Some ancient Greek philosophy seems to derive from the Oriental theory .

  2. 古希腊人崇尚自然、心胸开阔、敢于冒险、崇尚竞争。

    The ancient Greek was nature convergence , broad-minded , adventure and competitive .

  3. 我倾向于认为古希腊人对此比我们了解的更多。

    I am inclined to think that the ancient Greeks understood this better than we do

  4. 我们是通过荷马的史诗和海希奥德的诗歌了解古希腊人的法律思想的。

    The legal conceptions of archaic age of the Greeks are known to us through the epic works of Homer and the poetry of hesiod .

  5. 但是不同于现代将伊壁鸠鲁学说定乂为放纵和享乐主义,对于古希腊人来说,伊壁鸠鲁学说意味着寻找种宁静、平和以及精神放松的状态。

    But unlike the modern definition of Epicureanism as a life of indulgence and luxury , for the ancient Greeks , it meant finding a state of calm , peace and mental ease .

  6. 古希腊人在打仗前用羊和小牛作祭品。

    The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle .

  7. 例如,古希腊人使用过动物皮子,如羔皮(Parchment)和犊皮(Vellum)。

    For example , animal skins called parchment and vellum were used by the ancient Greeks .

  8. Sikania其最古老的民族,对古希腊人来说,西西里就是Sikelia,柏拉图的乌托邦社会。

    Sikania to its most ancient peoples , Sicily was Sikelia , Plato 's utopian society , to the ancient Greeks .

  9. 古希腊人也非常喜欢喝葡萄酒。

    Wine was also a popular drink among the ancient greeks .

  10. 古希腊人认为人类是非常特殊的。

    People in ancient Greece believed that humans were very special .

  11. 在历史上,古希腊人是无个人自由的。

    In the history , ancient Greeks have no individual liberty .

  12. 古希腊人在肩部用钮扣与环圈将束腰外衣扣紧。

    The ancient Greeks fastened their tunics with Buttons and loops .

  13. 古希腊人就嚼食它来治疗胃溃疡。

    The ancient Greeks chewed this to deal with stomach ulcers .

  14. 古希腊人则广泛使用青铜和黄铜。

    Both Bronze and Brass were widely used in ancient Greece .

  15. 古希腊人穿的一种毛线织的外衣。

    A woolen tunic worn by men and women in ancient Greece .

  16. 但可以肯定,古希腊人对我们这一性。

    But sure the antique Greeks were far more mild .

  17. 如果古希腊人得知了澳洲季节的更替

    If the ancient Greeks had found out about seasons in Australia ,

  18. 古希腊人将这一肺病称为“痨”;

    The ancient Greeks knew its consumptive effects as phthisis ;

  19. 声音1:古希腊人发明了许多不同的神。

    Voice 1 : The ancient Greeks had invented many different gods .

  20. 米诺斯人不是古希腊人,其语言文字至今不明。

    The Minoans were not Greek , and their language remains unknown .

  21. 古希腊人严格坚持什么规则?

    Which rule did the ancient Greeks strictly adhere to ?

  22. 健美训练中的呼吸与意念在身体上做古希腊人

    Breathing and image in body - building 's training

  23. 古希腊人用来伴奏的竖琴。中国古代戏曲伴奏需要文场和武场。

    A harp used by ancient Greeks for accompaniment .

  24. 古希腊人跟英国人很像。

    An old Greek is like to an Englishman .

  25. 转生,他说,是古希腊人的说法。

    Metempsychosis , he said , is what the ancient Greeks called it .

  26. 古希腊人留给我们的知识。

    Knowledge bequeathed to us by the ancient greeks .

  27. 古希腊人把这种方式转化为科学,命名为“相面术”。

    The ancient Greeks turned it into a science , " physiognomy . "

  28. 古希腊人认为猫头鹰是邪恶来临的征兆。

    Ancient Greeks believed that owls were a sign that evil was coming .

  29. 古希腊人为爱神阿弗罗狄特造了许多神庙。

    The ancient Greek dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite .

  30. 古希腊人用一个类似现代0的圆形数字来表示。

    The Greeks even used a round figure similar to the modern zero .