
  1. 现代猫的直系原种是古埃及的卡菲尔猫。

    The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt

  2. 在大不相同的文化中有一些相似的习俗,比如古埃及和斯堪的纳维亚之间。

    Similar customs were known in widely divergent cultures such as Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia .

  3. 在古埃及,一个店主发现他可以通过改变商店的环境来吸引顾客。

    In ancient Egypt , a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment .

  4. 古埃及统治尼罗河流域几千年。

    Ancient Egypt ruled the Nile Valley for thousands of years .

  5. 在古埃及,人们纹身是因为他们觉得纹身很"漂亮"。

    In ancient Egypt , people got tattoos because they were " beautiful " .

  6. 没有尼罗河沿岸丰富的农田资源,古埃及文明可能也就不会出现了。

    Without the rich farmland along the banks of the Nile , there might be no ancient Egypt civilization .

  7. 古埃及,第一个伟大的非洲文明,开始于5000多年前的尼罗河沿岸。

    Ancient Egypt , the first great African civilization , started along the banks of the Nile more than 5 , 000 years ago .

  8. 因草片会干裂成粉末所以古埃及的文件很少保存下来。

    Since papyrus dries up and crumble , very few documents of ancient Egypt have survived .

  9. 埃及人见证了一场载入史册的盛况,目睹了古埃及统治者们在首都开罗的游行。

    Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country 's ancient rulers through the capital , Cairo .

  10. 声明称,这座古城的年代可以追溯到阿蒙霍特普三世的统治时期,阿蒙霍特普三世是公元前1391年到1353年间统治古埃及的法老。

    It dates to the reign of King Amenhotep III , who ruled Egypt between 1391 and 1353 BCE , according to the statement .

  11. 利用DNA来建构古埃及18王朝的王室家谱

    Establishing Royal Family Tree of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt by Utilization DNA

  12. 古埃及的转换:中王国时期(AncientEgyptTransformed:TheMiddleKingdom)


  13. 在古埃及数学中,通常将一个既约分数mn分拆成若干个单位分数之和。

    In ancient Egyptian mathematics , the irreducible fraction mn was usually partitioned become a sum of unit fractions .

  14. MV以这样一句话开头:“很久以前,古埃及的孟斐斯是一个疯狂的地方。”

    The video opens with the message : ' Memphis Egypt a crazy long time ago ' .

  15. 曼彻斯特博物馆和曼彻斯特大学对一些古埃及动物木乃伊进行了CT扫描,期待找到完整的遗体。

    When researchers from the University of Manchester and Manchester Museum decided to take a peek inside some ancient Egyptian animal mummies using CT scans they expected to discover perfectly preserved remains .

  16. 然而,这两个UFO上的图案依然加深了人们对古埃及时代外星人来访的怀疑。

    However , the hieroglyphs on these two UFOs still reinforce the suspicion that has risen on the subject of extraterrestrial influence in ancient Egypt .

  17. 别具一格的日式乡村温泉,古埃及桑拿浴室,阳光温泉SPA,室内外连通的温泉泳池,私家豪华影院、各式海上娱乐项目等将为您在公务之余提供完美的休闲度假体验。

    In & Out-door Swimming Pools , Japanese Hot Spring , Ancient Egyptian Sauna Rooms , Sunshine SPA and a private cinema * all these will bring the most relaxation for your business trip .

  18. 图形艺术内容丰富,历史源远流长,从人类诞生始,就和人们的生活有着千丝万缕的关系,从古老古埃及金字塔的浮雕,到现今蓬勃发展的虚拟3D游戏的精美画面,无处不在,随处可寻。

    Pattern art has a long history in humankind and is of long standing . From the naissance of humankind , Pattern art has countless relationships with human . We can find it everywhere , from the old pyramid of Egypt to the flourishing development of virtual 3D computer games .

  19. 有传言称订婚习俗起源于古埃及或古罗马,但不管订婚习俗的历史有多么悠久,我真正听说订婚戒指这件事应该是从20世纪的戴比尔斯公司(DeBeers)开始的。

    Whatever the long history of engagement items – I 've heard claims of it dating from ancient Egypt or Rome , for example – the focus on engagement rings should really start with De Beers , in the 20th century .

  20. 另一个引发了更多关于古埃及时代外星人争议的重要因素是两个图案的发现,一个在RoswellUFO上,另一个在RendleshamForest中。

    Another important factor that has raised more questions regarding aliens in ancient Egypt is the alleged finding of Egyptian hieroglyphs on both the Roswell UFO and the one witnessed at Rendlesham Forest .

  21. “世界上最早的文字创造者”这一殊荣到底花落谁家,由美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamia)的苏美尔人(Sumerians)、位于今巴基斯坦(Pakistan)境内的哈拉帕人(Harappa)以及古埃及的科密特人(Kemites)进行激烈的角逐。

    There was a horse race between the Sumerians in Mesopotamia , the Harappa in present day Pakistan and the Kemites in Egypt to be the first to formulate a written language .

  22. 有理论说,网球这个单词起源于尼罗河畔的一个名为Tinnis的古埃及小镇。

    The theory says that the name tennis derives from the Egyptian town of Tinnis alongside the Nile .

  23. 这在古埃及时代表现得非常突出,这也是为何法老Akhenaton介绍了太阳神的表达之一。

    This was very much apparent in the Egyptian period , which is why Pharoah Akhenaton introduced the One God of the Sun .

  24. 在贝格拉姆(Begram)发现的古埃及玻璃和象牙制品现存于喀布尔的国家博物馆,后者不乏印度、波斯和希腊先例的影响,又该当何论?

    Or what about the Egyptian glass and the ivories found in Begram now in the National Museum , Kabul , the latter betraying the influence of Indian , Persian and Greek precedents ?

  25. 风砂岩&演绎现代装饰设计的古埃及元素

    Mantle of Rock & Deduction Modern Decoration Design from Ancient Egypt

  26. 古埃及法老-拉美西斯二世用大块岩石所建的两栋庙宇。

    Pharaoh Ramses II built two temples here out of rock .

  27. 甲骨文与古埃及圣书字象形字比较研究

    The Comparative Research on Pictographs of Oracle-bone Inscriptions and Egyptian Hieroglyphs

  28. 古埃及护身符的制作原理、分类与文化蕴涵

    Making Principle , Classification and Cultural Connotation of Ancient Egyptian Amulet

  29. 这个问题和古埃及司芬克思的谜语一样令人费解。

    It 's as vexing as the riddle of the Sphinx .

  30. 一些古埃及的木乃伊在博物馆展出。

    Several ancient Egyptian mummies are on display in the museum .