- 网络Anticyclonic Circulation

The formation and the southbound movement of the anticyclonic circulation offshore to the middle of Vietnam is related to change of the zonal integral of the wind stress curl and the Sverdrup balance .
After the anti-cyclonic center to the east of the Philippines moves to130 ° - 145 ° E , diabatic heating vertical change plays a major role in its maintenance .
The Meiyu cloud band is associated with an anticyclonic wind belt with mid-latitude westerlies to the north and subtropical easterlies to the south .
There is a cyclonic circulation system near and north of Section N2 . In the next place , there is a not wide scope of the anti cyclonic circulation southeast of Hainan Island .
The positive IOD resulted in the anomalous anticyclone over Japan and the eastern and northeastern part of China , causing abnormally dry summer in these regions .
From the wind field , we can find that a series of anti-cyclones located to the southeastern and the northwestern sides along the Mei-Yu front , which make the frontal wind shear even enhanced .
Results demonstrate that the MCC develops in a weak baroclinic environment , a 850 hPa horizontal wind shear line with a vortex dominated in the low levels and an anticyclone in upper levels , without baroclinic wave trough accompanying in midlevels .
Assuming constant heating source , it is found that in upper layer the anticyclone is the result of the development of typhoon .
The temporal and spatial scale , eastward moving and shape changing of the " cat 's eye " are similar to those of the subtropical high .
This generates ascent as well as negative vorticity source , which corresponds to a strongly anomaly anticyclone center appearing to the north of the heating region .
At the same time , the " Walker cell " shifts eastward while an upper troposphere easterly wind and anticyclone cell strengthen over the tropical central and Western Pacific .
There is a part of anticyclone in the whole cyclone . All above can 't be obtained in the weather map of 850 hPa and 700 hPa , and these are in correspondence with diagnostic analysis .
Results also show that , with the jointly effects of SSTA in WNP and WEP , an abnormal anticyclonic circulation in the lower troposphere is observed over the South China Sea and North-west Pacific .
As to the streamline difference at 850 hPa , the winter type is characterized as cyclonic / anticyclonic circulations over the northern / southern Western Pacific , and a " TP dipole pattern " over the continent .
Analytical results show during winter a stationary anticyclonic circulation occurs in bay .
The remarkable transition of circulation type from winter to summer in middle stratosphere is from cyclonic type to anticyclone type .
In the study sea area , there are cyclonic and anticyclonic circulations in each season with the upwelling and downwelling , respectively .
In the southern SCS there is an anticyclonic circulation , and also there is a smaller scale cold water and cyclonic eddy .
During the northeast monsoon period , the cyclonic gyre decays to move northward , and the anticyclonic gyre occupies the southern sea area ;
The Liaodong Bay is basically controlled by a cyclonic gyre , and the sea area off the Yellow River mouth and the Bohai Bay are basically controlled by an anticyclonic gyre .
But to the west of Bashi Channel , an anti-cyclonic eddy persists regardless of season , which may be caused by the Pacific water intrusion to the east of Bashi Channel .
The equatorial buffer zone is fortified : it is propitious to the equatorial anticyclones activated and push monsoon trough to higher latitude , this circulation pattern can promote the genesis of TC in NWP .
Low-level cyclone circulation with high-level anti cyclone circulation , is helpful to form low-level convergence and high-level divergence , and make the rising airflow nearby cyclone keep and strengthen so that have offered necessity condition for convection precipitation .
In summer , SCS deep basin is dominated by an anti-cyclonic gyre , and the northeast current is quit remarkable in the central deep area . In all the southern part of SCS deep basin , the circulation is mainly anti-cyclonic .
On the contrary , over the extratropical positive SSTA , positive height and temperature anomalies . and a strong anomalous anticyclonic circulation appear .
As for the Asia-Pacific region , the East Asia is weaker , an anticyclone hovers over the West tropical Pacific , and the PNA teleconnection develops over East Pacific-North America in El Nino phase ; and opposite in La Nina phase .
At the same time , an anomalous anticyclone over the tropical region from South China Sea to the western Pacific also appears to match with the anomalous cyclone near Japan .
There are a mesoscale negative vorticity circulation with divergence in the upper troposphere ( above 250hPa ) , and a positive vorticity circulation with convergence in the lower troposphere ( centered at 700hPa ) .
The density distribution shows that there is a large cyclonic density circulation in Bohai Sea and it is likely to exist some density current gyre in the middle part of the Bohai Sea .