- Rwanda

The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate
South Africa gave diplomatic recognition to Rwanda 's new government on September 15
Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week .
Apart from Switzerland , the UK and Rwanda can also take comfort from a separate survey of competitiveness published by the world bank today .
And while she now waits at a quarantine center in Rwanda , Ihirwe 's DNA is at a lab in Germany .
It was a DVD film of the film Hotel Rwanda .
Rwanda , and these questions , fundamentally influenced my years at the top of the UN .
His governance initiative is a well-regarded project that helps the presidents of Sierra Leone and Rwanda deliver policy and attract foreign investment .
I was working in Nicaragua for the International Finance Corporation , the development institution , was newly married , and preparing to leave for a post in Rwanda .
In2010 , Kazakhstan , Rwanda , Peru , Vietnam , Cape Verde , Tajikistan , and Zambia were among economies that improved the most in the ease of doing business , according to the World Bank report .
Those making the moral case for action , including President Barack Obama , often cite the need to avoid repeating the failure to intervene in Rwanda in 1994 .
Hurst is a passionate advocate for the Cup of Excellence competition , which began in 1999 and is now run in nine coffee-producing countries , from Brazil to Rwanda .
Ms Ma met Ms Hai on a research trip to Addis Ababa , Ethiopia 's capital , and last year visited Rwanda at her suggestion .
The rebel movement , initially supported by Rwanda , strongly recruited children as soldiers , says De Burca .
Ms Ma believes the advantages of Rwanda 's business-savvy government , the cheap , disciplined labour force and ready-made factory space outweigh transport and other logistical challenges .
That one place was spelled R W A N D A , where is that ? I never even heard of it .
Bruce suggested doing it by hand , using a method in Rwanda called " Ubudehe , " which means " community works for the community . "
In Rwanda , Kay Howell , Jane Markey Culver and Allison Radke teach English as a foreign language .
Unique too , is the ruling Rwandan patriotic front , which grew out of the rebel movement he led to power from exile in neighbouring Uganda .
As a permanent institution , the ICC was supposed to replace the sort of ad hoc but well-resourced tribunals which have meted out justice in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia .
It was Mr Girodon at Kigali airport , recently returned from the death spots of Rwanda .
As2007 president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ( AAAS ), he started advising the governments of India and Rwanda on science projects .
The man , Bernard Munyagishari , is accused of being a mastermind in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda .
They came to pick up Ihirwe , a one-and-half year old gorilla that the Rwandan police had rescued from poachers .
The BBC has learnt that South African intelligence officers have foiled a third attempt to assassinate the former Rwandan chief of staff , Kayumba Nyamwasa .
In Rwanda , when the MAJORITY Hutus attacked and massacre the minority Tutsis , the World Press reported it as a racial-based tragedy .
Although Rwandan labour costs are about 10 per cent higher than in Ethiopia , they are still roughly half those of Kenya where Ms Ma also has a textiles factory for higher-end products and , crucially , she says it offers disciplined workers who are quick to learn .
The Rwanda evaluation was financed by the Spanish Trust Fund for Impact Evaluation ( SIEF ), the largest trust fund ever established in the World Bank focused on impact evaluation .
Mr Rugambage 's colleagues have suggested he was shot because he was investigating the attempted killing in South Africa of the exiled Rwandan general , Kayumba Nyamwasa .
It says he later joined a rebel group across the border in Congo , the FDLR , which has been wreaking havoc on the civilian population .