
  • 网络RAND;South African rand;Zar
  1. 所有价格都是用南非兰特列出的。

    All prices listed are in ZAR .

  2. 在全部400000000美元黄金产量中,南非兰特(Rand)金矿贡献的比例在一半以上。

    Of the whole $ 400,000,000 , the South African Rand mines have furnished over half .

  3. Stellenbosch的Steyn说,这可能每年花费数百万南非兰特。

    That can cost millions of South African rand a year , says Steyn .

  4. 南非兰特精选信托公司

    Rand Selection Trust Corporation of South Africa

  5. 美元汇价表现强劲,令以商品为基础的货币如澳元及南非兰特受压。

    US dollar strength put pressure on commodity-based currencies such as the A $ and the Rand .

  6. 比如,南非兰特汇率疲软,就使得收购南非企业的代价降低。

    The weak South African rand , for example , makes it less expensive to buy SA companies .

  7. 自2009年开始,该国大多数交易中都使用美元、南非兰特等外币。

    Foreign currencies like the US dollar and South African rand have been used for most transactions since 2009 .

  8. 大宗商品和新兴市场货币,如南非兰特和巴西雷亚尔,往往从中国股市的涨跌中捕捉信号。

    Both commodity and emerging market currencies , such as the South African Rand and the Brazilian real , often take their cue from Chinese equities .

  9. 今年1月和2月,这可能还不会在股市上反映出来。市场似乎仍打算惩罚土耳其、可能还有俄罗斯卢布、南非兰特等。

    January and February may not reflect this – markets still seem intent on punishing Turkey , perhaps the Russian rouble , and the South African rand among others .

  10. 上月,就有人把南非兰特的下跌,归咎于他关于资本市场低估了新兴市场风险成本的讲话。

    Last month he was blamed for a drop in the value of the South African rand after commenting that capital markets were underestimating the cost of risk in emerging markets .

  11. 南非兰特经常被用作对冲新兴市场风险的工具,因此它对风险认知的变化高度敏感,甚至在变化发源于海外时也是如此。

    The Rand is often used as a hedge for emerging market risk and so is highly sensitive to changes in risk perceptions , even when the source of the shift is foreign .

  12. 当投资者充满信心时,他们开始追逐风险,抛售美元,买入其它几乎任何币种,包括欧元、澳元乃至南非兰特。

    When investors were feeling confident and risk was " on " , they sold the dollar and bought virtually any other currency including the euro , the Australian dollar and the South African Rand .

  13. 在同一阶段,新兴市场和商品挂钩货币对美元的回升幅度甚至更大,澳元上升了20%,巴西里亚尔强势上涨15%,南非兰特上涨了16%。

    Emerging market and commodity-linked currencies have rallied even more against the dollar over that period , with the Australian dollar up 20 per cent , the Brazilian real 15 per cent stronger and the South African rand up 16 per cent .

  14. 津巴布韦本国货币现在基本上被美元或者南非货币兰特取代。

    The local currency is now largely replaced by U.S.dollars or South African rands .

  15. 随着外国人出售他们的南非资产,兰特收到了冲击。

    With foreigners selling their South African assets , the rand is taking a knock .