- 名Mercosur;South Common Market

Still , Brazilian officials stress they remain firmly committed to Mercosur , and pursuing separate trade agendas will only take place within the group .
Brazil favours instead an expansion from the Mercosur customs union , which it dominates .
In January 2004 , India and the South Common Market signed the PTR , which appeared to be another model for the cooperation of the developing countries .
On paper CELAC will try to co-ordinate among trade blocks , such as Mercosur and the Andean Community ( but UNASUR is also supposed to do that ) .
Discussion of the Regional Cooperation between India and the South Common Market
There are objective conditions that create strong incentives for an advance on the EU-Mercosur front , he said .
Unasur ( or Unasul in Portuguese ) replaces a South American Community declared in2004 and supposed to unite two existing free-trade areas , Mercosur and the Andean Community .
He said , China puts great importance on strengthening friendly co-operative relations with countries of the southern common market , including Uruguay , and other Latin American countries .
President of the Andean Parliament , she has symbolic backing from the Andean , Mercosur ( Southern Cone ) and Central American parliaments , but must mobilise more support from national governments .