
  • 网络Nanyang Business School
  1. 只有南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)和中欧国际工商学院(ChinaEuropeInternationalBusinessSchool)例外,它们在博士和研究这一项上表现不佳。

    The only exceptions are Nanyang Business School and China Europe International Business School , both underperforming in the doctoral and research ranks .

  2. 当初,她在新加坡南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)获得商业管理学士学位,随后进入通用电气金融工作。但如今,她希望加快自己的职业发展,学习金融以外的新技能。

    However , Nah , who joined the company after an undergraduate degree in business management from Nanyang Business School in Singapore , wanted to accelerate her career and develop new skills beyond finance .

  3. 为庆祝中国农历新年,新加坡南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)邀请5位经验丰富的商界人士出席其CEO早餐系列活动,讲述他们在华做生意的经历并讨论由此带来的挑战。

    To mark the Chinese New Year , Nanyang Business School invited a panel of five experienced business men and women to its CEO Breakfast Series to speak about their experience of doing business in China and discuss the challenges this brings .