
  • 网络The disintegration of Yugoslavia;Breakup of Yugoslavia
  1. 南斯拉夫解体后,科索沃冲突因塞、阿两族的矛盾加剧而趋于激烈,以美国为首的北约的干涉,则使其演变成一场国际冲突。

    Headed by the United States , the NATO Group interfered in it and caused it to develop into an international conflict .

  2. 1991年,当南斯拉夫解体时,有位欧洲政治家曾宣称“欧洲的时刻近在眼前”。

    In 1991 , as Yugoslavia broke up , a European politician declared the " hour of Europe is at hand " .

  3. 此外,科索沃战争是在南斯拉夫解体后多年战乱的背景下发生的。

    The Kosovo war also took place in the context of the many years of fighting that followed the break-up of Yugoslavia .

  4. 上世纪90年代南斯拉夫解体之时,欧洲内部出现严重分歧;2003年,在伊拉克问题上,主要欧洲国家也争吵激烈。

    The EU split badly when Yugoslavia broke up in the 1990s ; and the major EU powers were at each other 's throats over Iraq in 2003 .

  5. 在南斯拉夫解体之前,克罗地亚是位于斯洛文尼亚之后最繁荣和高度工业化的地区,人均产出比是南斯拉夫平均水平的高出三分之一以上。

    Before the dissolution of Yugoslavia , Croatia , after Slovenia , was the most prosperous and industrialized area , with a per capita output perhaps one-third above the Yugoslav average .