- 网络single copy gene;single-copy gene

The results from both Southern blot analysis and database searching showed that it is a single copy gene in rice genome .
Moreover , Bmdsx is a single copy gene which have been experimented .
The results proved when base-different rate is below 6.1 % , using a few primers designed from the sequence of one species to amplify the homologous sequence of different species can ensure the success .
Average insert size of the library is 118 kb evaluated from analysis of 452 BACs randomly picked from library . So the genome coverage of the library is 13.34 and the possibility to find a single-copy gene in the library is 99.984 % .
The detection of single copy genes in genome by direct hybridization technique
Preparation of ~ ( 35 ) s-labaled probe for detecting singe copy genes in human genome
Locate gene in the chromosome , or screen some kinds of individuals with sequence tagged sites markers ;
The prion-protein genes are single-copied and high conservative , but there might be related munity gene existing between animals .
Meanwhile , the regions near centromeres were found to contain the highest proportion of P / A genes , mainly consisting of singleton genes .
The foreign schisto gene of this clone was proved to be a single copy gene which could be hybridized with fragments from the adult worm genomic DNA .
We observed that duplicate genes have fewer AS forms than that of single-copy genes , and that a negative correlation exists between the mean number of AS forms and the gene family size .
Genomic imprinting is a phenomenon that the gene is expressed primarily or exclusively from either the maternal or paternal allele and plant imprinting has been described primarily in endosperm . It plays a role in regulating endosperm development and affecting seed size .
Detection of SRY gene in cultured cells by in situ polymerase chain reaction
Single copy sequences of the X - Y homologous Amelogenin gene were amplified from the DNA extracts by PCR technique .
No more than two sequences were found in each individual at the DRA locus , strongly suggesting only one DRA locus was amplified in this study .
Methods Leukocytes were collected from peripheral blood of 70 female recipients having received kidneys from males for the identification of microchimerism by means of amplifying the single copied sex determine region Y gene ( SRY ) by nested PCR .
PRINS can detect repetitive ( e.g.centromeric , telomeric or Alu repeats ) and single copy sequences / genes , depending on the primers used .
We further formulated the library into characteristic DNA pools for two-round PCR screening for 4 single copied Amphi-Pax genes and identified total of 26 positive clones with average of 6.5 clones for each gene .