
  • 网络uniprocessor system;uniprocessor;single processor system;Uni Processor
  1. 针对单处理器系统的周期性实时任务集,基于非精确计算,提出FT/FA(FaultTolerance/FrequencyAssurance)调度方法。

    For the periodic real-time task sets on uniprocessor systems , FT / FA ( fault-tolerance / frequency assurance ) scheduling of imprecise computation was proposed .

  2. 甚至单处理器系统也必须要这样禁用抢占机制以防止竞态条件的产生。

    Even uniprocessor systems must disable preemption in this way to avoid race conditions .

  3. 如果这个问题即使在启用了JIT的单处理器系统上也不会出现,那么这个问题很可能与JIT无关,而是与应用程序中的时间相关逻辑有关。

    If the problem does not happen at all on single-processor system even with JIT enabled , then it is likely to be a problem not related to JIT , but to time-dependent logic error in application .

  4. 本文给出单处理器系统的一种处理器调度策略。

    This paper gives a dispatching policy for single processor systems .

  5. 使用单条内嵌汇编操作码在单处理器系统上可能不会有什么问题。

    Using a single inline assembly opcode will probably work wonderfully on a uni-processor machine .

  6. 来自单处理器系统的数据看起来与来自多处理器系统的数据相同。

    The data from the uni-process system looks the same as those from the mult-processors system .

  7. 我们从理论分析的角度研究了单处理器系统上任务调度的一种特殊情形,目标是优化处理器上消耗的能量。

    We theoretically study a special kind of task scheduling problem to optimize the energy usage in a single-processor system .

  8. 为了开发片上多处理器的这种并行性,我们必须抛弃传统单核处理器系统的架构,重新设计处理器系统的软硬件结构,包括硬件微结构、编程模型、编译器、运行时系统等等。

    In order to find the parallelism , we must break the frameworks of traditional software and hardware , and redesign them , including microarchitecture , programming model , compiler , runtime system and so on .

  9. 用解析模型对单总线多处理器系统进行性能评价

    The Performance Evaluation of the Single Bus Multiprocessors with Analytic Models

  10. 单芯片多处理器系统任务并行处理设计

    Design of Task Parallel Processing in Single Chip Multi-processor System

  11. CUBE:一种可移植的虚拟单处理器实时操作系统

    CUBE : A Portable Virtual Single Processor Real-time Operating System

  12. 同时,通过灵活选用市场上丰富的IP核资源,可以构成各种不同的系统,如单处理器、多处理器系统等。

    At the same time , by the use of abundant core of the IP resources flexibly in the market , we can constitute a variety of systems , such as single-processor , multi-processor systems .

  13. 传统多线程主要是在单核单处理器上通过操作系统调度分时运行来给应用程序一个并行的抽象,然而多核技术使得多线程的并行得到真正体现。

    Traditional multithread is actually an abstraction of the execution time division on a single core processor by operating systems , while the multi-core technology is a real concurrency for multi-threaded programs .