
  • 网络Single
  1. 单身一族更多地将生活视为一种‘冒险’。

    Singles are seeing their lives as more of an adventure .

  2. 分析家表示,单身一族的遭遇更加不幸,婚恋交友类网站最令人恼火。

    Unfortunately for single people , matchmaking websites are among the worst offenders , say analysts .

  3. 全国3200万单身一族中,女性占多数,人数约为1800万。

    Of the country 's 32 million singletons , the majority about 18 million are women .

  4. 三分之一的单身一族回答“大笔的钱”而不是生活伴侣。

    ' , a third of single people said , 'a large sum of money ' , not a life partner .

  5. 他们的目标就是单身一族和未婚女性,购买欲将让他们缓解孤独。

    Their idea was to target bachelors and spinsters , offering the comfort of a new possession to ease their loneliness .

  6. 傍晚我在绿树丛中漫步,听见两只小鸟呼哨叽咕,那是八哥与画眉,我问它们为何这样眉飞色舞?它们用歌声作答:“我们是自由的单身一族。”

    One evening as I walked down by a green bush , I heard two birds whistling , " Twas the blackbird and thrush ; I asked the reason they were so merrie , And in answer they sang back to me , " We are single and free . "

  7. 单身或许不是一个理想的状态,但总比离婚好,陈芬在接受《环球时报》采访时表示,她表示很多到了结婚年纪仍孑然之身的单身一族们普遍都有这种观点。

    " Being alone may not be ideal but a divorce is much worse ," Chen told the Global Times , saying her view is widely held by singles who are around the age many get married .