- 名agreement trade;trade by agreement

In 1993 , the GATT came to an agreement to TBT , and required all the countries to try their best to adopt uniform international standards .
Uruguay Round of the GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations
The new preferential trade agreements involving countries from the Western Pacific Rim have significant implications for the political economy of trade liberalization .
On TRIPS and IPR Barriers in the International Trade
Education service being included in the service field of WTO and the prospects of some western countries benefiting from education service ;
Protectionism remains a distant threat and an agreement in Bali last December has breathed new life into the World Trade Organisation .
TRIPS agreement is the international regulation to protect intellectual property abided by the parties of WTO organization .
This part also describes the relations of the WTO dispute settlement bureau ( DSB ) and the TRIPS .
The subsidies and countervailing agreement is a part of agreement on cargo trade , and WTO parties has reached the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and Agreement on Agriculture through consultation .
The terms " country " or " countries " as used in this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements are to be understood to include any separate customs territory Member of the WTO .
China who will soon be admitted into WTO has the same interests and views in relation to WTO with India , and China 's admission into WTO will help promote co-operation between the two neighbors .
Such withdrawal shall apply both to this Agreement and the multilateral trade agreements and shall take effect upon the expiration of six months from the date on which written notice of withdrawal is received by the Director-General of the wto .
According to the provisions of the WTO law , the ministerial conference and general council have exclusive power to adopt interpretations on the WTO Agreement and covered agreements , but the panel and the appellate body can also make interpretations of the covered agreements in resolving of specific disputes .
Conflict and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Multilateral Trade System
MFA and the Liberalization of Trade in Textiles & Cloth
RTA is an exception to the MFN principle under multilateral trade system .
Regional Trade Agreements and Multilateral Trading System s
From GATT to WTO , the implementation manners of safeguards always exists dispute .
Anti-dumping is one of legitimate methods permitted by GATT and WTO to resist unfair competition from abroad .
An FTA will of course bring some benefits to the EU and the US via enhanced trade .
Legal relationships between tar general agreement of tariffs and trade signed in 1947 and the World Trade Organization
And we can help with the implementation of trade facilitation commitments associated with multilateral and regional trade agreements .
There are various reasons of the conflict . The fundamental reason is trade liberalization range of different system .
GATT and GATS are the foundation in which the details concerning the free trade agreement are further developed .
In the end , it analyses the influence of multilateral trade system by RTAs from both pro and con .
The same can be said of other agreements – on trade , investment and energy – under discussion with Moscow .
The thesis discusses some legislative patterns in several regional service trade , hoping help the institution of similar pattern in China .
The agenda was designed as a global free-trade agreement meant to alleviate poverty and boost the international economy through trade liberalization .
The author believes the third is more practicable . Many countries coordinate antidumping and competition law through bilateral or multilateral trade agreements .
All the trade-related agreements , including trade protocols , cooperation agreements and contact accords , constitute an important part of EU trade policies .