
wú xínɡ mào yì
  • invisible trade
  1. 无形贸易盈余比报道所称的少2亿英镑。

    The invisible trade surplus was £ 200 million lower than reported .

  2. 因此,旅游业是另一种无形贸易。

    Tourism , therefore , is another form of invisible trade .

  3. 前者称为有形贸易,而后者则称为无形贸易。

    The former is called visible trade , and the latter , invisible trade .

  4. 有形及无形贸易合并帐目

    Combined visible and invisible trade account

  5. 对一些国家来说,无形贸易和将原料和商品出口到其它国家一样重要。

    To some nations , invisible trade and raw material and merchandise export to other nation similar importance .

  6. 总体来说,这些交易可分为两大类:有形贸易和无形贸易。

    These transactions , in general , could be divided into two forms : visible trade and invisible trade .

  7. 因此,一九九九年的有形及无形贸易综合盈余显着上升。

    In consequence , there was a marked increase in the combined visible and invisible trade surplus over the year .

  8. 无形贸易对于有些国家就如同出口原料或商品对于其他国家那样一样重要。

    Invisible trade can be as important to some nations as the export of raw materials or commodities is to others .

  9. 它所涉及的范围,既包括有形贸易,也包括技术、资本等无形贸易。

    Economic Law concerns not only visible trade like merchandise trade etc , but also invisible trade like technology and capital trade etc.

  10. 现实中各国所进行的贸易是多种多样的,也是复杂的,经常是有形贸易和无形贸易的混合。

    In reality , the kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex , often a mixture of visible and invisible trade .

  11. 过去20年,香港与内地之间的无形贸易及投资流量也大幅增长。

    Over the past two decades , there has also been a substantial increase in invisible trade and investment flows between Hong Kong and the Mainland .

  12. 你可以把这种状况与上世纪70年代外国汽车制造商(在日本)遭遇的无形贸易障碍相比,但中国的情况更糟糕。

    You could compare it to the invisible trade barriers to foreign carmakers in [ Japan ] in the 1970s , but it is more than that .

  13. 美国的贸易占世界有形贸易和无形贸易总量的15%,其货币美元是半数国际交易的计价货币,也是世界外汇储备的重要组成部分。

    The US dollar is the invoicing currency for about half of the international transactions and is an important component of foreign currency reserves of the world .

  14. 克服重商品,轻服务的倾向,把扩大有形商品贸易同发展无形贸易有机结合起来,实施适度保护和推进市场开放相结合。

    Overcome the inclination of " paying stress on commodities and neglecting the service " . Combine the expansion of visible exports with the development of invisible trade , and join moderate protection to market opening promotion .

  15. 然而,由于货物及服务进口均随着货物及服务出口放缓而回落,综合有形和无形贸易帐在二零零一年仍录得可观盈余。

    Nevertheless , as imports of both goods and services came down in tandem with the setback in exports of goods and services , the combined visible and invisible trade account still yielded a further sizeable surplus in2001 .

  16. 国际分工越是发展,其形式就越多样化,突出表现为:从产业间到产业内(分工边界内移)、从有形贸易分工到无形贸易分工。

    The more the international division develops , the more the forms become diversified , which prominently is : from inter-industry to inner-industry division ( the border is moving inward ), from tangible trade to intangible trade division .

  17. 因此旅游也是另外一种无形的贸易。

    Therefore traveling is also the trade of another a kind of invisible .

  18. 旅游业被称为“无烟工业”,“无形的贸易”,是全球新兴产业之一。

    Tourism , regarded as " smokeless industry " and " invisible trade ", is one of the new and expanding industries on the globe .

  19. 随着知识经济的发展,以知识产权转让、许可使用为主要形式的无形商品贸易受到了世界各国的普遍关注。

    With the development of knowledge economy , every country in the word widely pay close attention to intangible commodity trade that is made mainly by assignment and license of intellectual property .

  20. 有形和无形的贸易形成了一种三角的格局:发达国家进口石油,并向石油生产国输出工业产品以为支付,石油生产国将多余的资金存入西方银行;

    The pattern of visible and invisible trade became three-cornered , with developed countries importing oil and exporting industrial goods to the oil producers to pay for it ; the oil producers put their surpluses into the west 's banks ;

  21. 《京都议定书》制定了在全球范围内流动的以碳信用为标志的无形商品的贸易体系。

    The Kyoto Protocol established a trading system for intangible goods flowing worldwide which are typified by carbon credit .