- 名conventional/fixed tariff/duty

After the Opium War , the Qing government gradually accepted British suggestions for agreed pm tariffs to ensure its customs revenues .
Next , detailed measures on income tax , tax agreement and tariff are designed and the direction effect of these measures is emphasized .
GATT and Chinese Tariff System
Under a political agreement the duties were assessed for a two-year period and not the normal five .
On the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934 , the tariff was not displayed by the form of legislation . It was established by the trade negotiations between the President and other nations .
The two nations signed a landmark trade accord to cut tariffs in 2007 but neither has ratified it .
US politicians have lambasted the trade accord as leaving in place non-tariff barriers that effectively keep out American cars , but Washington has not formally asked for a renegotiation .
The international agreements of WTO on cultural trade include the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade , General Agreement on Trade in Service and Agreement On Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights .
At present , there are 20 countries that signed free trade agreement with US . The South Africa Customs Union , Thailand , Malaysia and United Arab Emirates are negotiating free trade agreements with US .