- Kuril Islands

Activity Regularity of large earthquake in Japan and the Kuril Islands
And would Japan , in turn , take control of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands ?
The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain .
Earth - quake is the largest event of the 4th quarter and occurred to the north of 45 ° N ( outside the range of the Japan Trench area ) .
During the17th and mid19th the Russian territory expanded to The Kurile Islands and Alaska .
In1938 , President Roosevelt dedicated the Thousand Islands Bridge connecting the United States and Canada .
The new map also included the Kuril Islands , the western Pacific archipelago that Moscow seized in 1945 from Japan .
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center have issued a tsunami warning for Japan and Russia 's Pacific Coast after a powerful earthquake struck the Kuril islands .
These ultra-rightists also turn against the Russians who have refused to return the four dispute islands of the Kuriles , which Tokyo calls Japan 's Northern Territories .
The Kurile lsland earth-quake occurring on October 4 was the largest shallow-focus earthquake , and the Bolivian earth-quake occurring on June 9 was the largest deep-focus earthquake .
MOSCOW-Russia would enhance transport infrastructure on the disputed Southern Kuril islands , which are also claimed by Japan as its Northern Territories , local reports said Friday .
On August 15 ~ ( th ) 1945 , the Soviet Union captured the Caxa лин, Habomai Islands , and joined the " regulatory committee against Japan " .
We speculate that the northwest Pacific slab subduct across the middle transition zone beneath Kuril Islands , then just arrive at the lower transition zone beneath North-East China .
In 65 years , no Soviet or Russian leader bothered to visit four disputed islands north of Japan , called the Kuril Islands by Russia and the Northern Territories by the Japanese .
The Treaty of San Francisco states Japan must give up all claims to the Kuriles but it does not recognize the Soviet sovereignty over the four islands of Etorofu , Kunashiri , Shikotan and Habomai .
As in 1993 , the global seismicity center is still in the seismic belt of the northwest Pacific Ocean , and trench shallow earthquakes successively occurred in the Kuril Islands and the sea area off eastern Honshu , Japan .