
  • 网络Universal Harmony;cosmos;Harmonie universelle
  1. 宇宙和谐与生态文化&关于人与自然伦理关系的思考

    The Reflections of Ethic Relationship between Man and Nature

  2. 倡导真,美,爱,寻求与宇宙和谐。

    Prize truth-beauty-love-seeking harmony with the infinite .

  3. 宇宙和谐论和马克思辩证唯物主义的实践论是工程美学的理论基础。

    Harmony of the universe and practice of dialectical materialism are both theoretical foundation of engineering aesthetics .

  4. 从文明冲突论到宇宙和谐论&从坎贝尔超越理论看全球政治的发展走向

    From the Clash of Civilizations to Cosmological Harmony : The Trend of Global Politics from the Perspective of Campbell 's Transcendence Theory

  5. 宇宙和谐的打破促使莎士比亚在《李尔王》中重申了宇宙重建这一世纪主题,并呼唤仁爱的回归。由此加深了人们的宇宙人生意识。

    The destruction of cosmic harmony makes Shakespeare restate cosmic reconstruction , which is the century theme in King Lear , and call the return of benevolence , as a result , the consciousness of the universe and life is deepened by human beings .

  6. 第3章通过对贡达尔诗歌的分析探讨了诗歌建构宇宙大和谐的主题。

    Chapter three explores the theme of cosmic harmony by reading her Gondal poems .

  7. 他的天人观体现了人和宇宙的和谐统一。

    His notion of heaven and man reflects the harmony between man and cosmos .

  8. 当你作为你的神性自我去显化,你生活在与宇宙的和谐中。

    When you manifest as your Divine Self , you live in harmony with the universe .

  9. 只接受无回馈的人是与宇宙不和谐的。

    That man is out of joint with the universe who takes all but makes no return .

  10. 通过对真理的感知我们认识创造的法则,通过对美的感知我们认识宇宙的和谐。

    Through our sense of truth we realise law in creation , and through our sense of beauty we realise harmony in the universe .

  11. 理性是西方自然法思想的精神内核,而法自然是要自然无为恢复宇宙原始和谐状态。

    Thirdly , sense is the spiritual core for western " Natural Law ", while harmonious situation is the cosmic originality that " Emulating Nature " requires .

  12. 掌握记忆之术必须使人的头脑对应于宇宙的和谐,宇宙的和谐依据一定的法则,而那法则是由神的头脑创造的。

    The Art of Memory is the effort to align one 's mind with the harmony of the Universe , following the rules which the Divine Mind created for it .

  13. 颜色协调;宇宙的秩序和谐调。

    Color harmony ; the order and harmony of the universe .

  14. 和在哲学的层面是指宇宙自然的和谐统一,它体现了宇宙生成的法则和规律。

    He philosophically refers to the natural harmony in the universe and it shows the law of the universe .

  15. 对世界的宇宙秩序之和谐(世界秩序之美)的追求是爱因斯坦锲而不舍进行科学探求的动机;

    Einstein ′ s motive of investigating science is to pursuit for the harmonious order of the universe . ( the beauty of the world );

  16. 和谐文化源于中华民族文化中的和谐思想,辩证的宇宙观是和谐文化的哲学基础。

    Originated from the harmony idea of the national culture of China , harmonious culture has a philosophical basis of the universe view of dialectics .

  17. 人做到了仁,不仅是自我的实现,而且标示着人与宇宙万物的和谐相处和共同发展。

    Do " humanity ( ren )" is not only self-realization , but also marked the harmonious coexistence and common development of man and the universe .

  18. 在陆羽看来,茶象征着宇宙万物的和谐与神秘的统一。

    including the calligrapher Yan Zhenqing , and wrote his master-piece The Classic of Tea.For Lu Yu , tea symbolized the harmony and mysterious unity of the Universe .

  19. 从儒道两家思想透视,和的传统内涵主要有:宇宙自然之和谐、人与自然之和谐、人与人之和谐以及人的身心之和谐。

    From the point of view of Confucianism and Taoism , the Traditional Content of " Harmoniousness " is : the harmoniousness between universe and nature , the harmoniousness between human being and nature , the harmoniousness among human being and the harmoniousness of body and mind of human being .

  20. 我认为宇宙的特色不是和谐。

    I believe the common denominator of the universe is not harmony .

  21. 我做的每件事都为宇宙增添美丽、和谐、秩序与光明。

    Everything I do adds beauty , harmony , order , and light to the universe .

  22. 我信仰史实诺莎的上帝,祂以宇宙的秩序与和谐来示现,而不是那个会干涉人类命运和行为的上帝。

    I believe in Spinoza 's God , Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world , not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind .

  23. 根据道家思想,每个人的生活目标应该是调整自我来适应自然世界的节奏,顺应宇宙的模式,和谐生活。

    according to Taoism , the goal of life for each individual is to seek to adjust oneself and adapt to the rhythm of the natural world , to follow the Way of the universe , to live in harmony .

  24. 孔子认为音乐蕴涵着和的要素,将乐音之和推及到整个社会宇宙,能使整个社会宇宙得到和谐化的发展。

    He believes that music contains the essential factor - " harmony " , if the musical " harmony " were brought into the whole universal society , the whole society would develop harmoniously .

  25. 人假如企图超越自己在宇宙中的地位,就会打乱整个宇宙普遍存在的和谐与秩序,导致道德上的堕落与犯罪。

    If Man should attempt to surpass his position in the Universe , he would break and confuse the universal harmony and order , resulting in a fall and err in morality .