
  • 网络bes;besiii
  1. 北京谱仪R值测量中的初态辐射修正

    Initial State Radiative Correction in R Measurement at BES

  2. 本文介绍北京谱仪离线分析过程中数据生成的整个情况,包括事例过滤原则,重建的一般原理及物理分析(DST)数据的分类方法。

    Data production of BES offline analysis is described , filter criteria of events are presented , and the division of the DST data , the reconstructed events , is introduced .

  3. 北京谱仪上的e/π分辨与相对似然法

    Relative Likelihood and e / π Separation at BES

  4. 利用北京谱仪R值扫描数据,研究了束流相关本底的特征及其扣除方法。

    Using R scan data collected at BES ⅱ detector , we study the character of beam associated background .

  5. 北京谱仪-Ⅱks~0、∧粒子衰变顶点位置的确定

    The Determination of the Position of the Decay Vertex of K_S ~ 0 and Λ in BES - ⅱ

  6. 北京谱仪(BES)轻子识别研究&MonteCarlo结果

    Studies of the Lepton Identification in BES & Monte Carlo Results

  7. 介绍了一个基于DSP,用于采集北京谱仪实验数据的智能模数变换插件的设计方法。

    The design method of a Brilliant Analog-Digital Converter ( BADC ) module based on DSP is discussed in this paper .

  8. 北京谱仪大型精密圆柱漂移室dE/dx粒子识别的研究

    Study of Particle Identification Using dE / dx in the BES Large Cylindrical Drift Chamber

  9. 北京谱仪(BESⅡ)飞行时间测量修正的系统研究

    Systematic Study of Time of Flight Correction of BES ⅱ

  10. 北京谱仪(BESⅢ)的飞行时间测量精度的一些影响因素的分析

    Analysis of the Factors that Influence the Time Resolution of TOF in BES ⅲ Detector

  11. 北京谱仪BES辐射本底水平的测定

    Measurement for Radiation Background of BES Detector

  12. 北京谱仪(BESⅡ)的监测系统

    The Monitor System of Beijing Spectrometer

  13. 北京谱仪BES辐射本底水平是由大厅内的辐射水平决定的。

    The radiation background of BES detector depends on the radiation level in the BES experimental hall .

  14. 介绍了北京谱仪(BES)触发判选系统的模拟程序,并用实验数据对其正确性作了验证。

    A simulation program of BES trigger is described and a comparison of its results with experimental data is presented .

  15. 介绍了在北京谱仪BESⅢ电磁量能器中光脉冲监测系统方面所作的实验研究,以及根据实验结果给出的量能器光脉冲监测系统的初步方案。

    The experimental results of light pulse monitor system on BES ⅲ electromagnetic calorimeter and the preliminary scheme are introduced .

  16. 北京谱仪亮度监测器Bhabha散射截面的蒙特卡罗计算

    Monte Carlo Calculation for Bhabha Scattering Integral Cross Section of BES Luminosity Monitor

  17. 概述了利用CMT管理北京谱仪软件系统的过程及其对软件开发人员带来的优势。

    How to use the CMT to manage the BES data off-line system and the advantages to the software-developers is described briefly .

  18. 在北京谱仪数据分析中,粒子鉴别使用了dE/dx和TOF的信息。

    In the analysis of Beijing Spectrometer ( BES ) data , the dE / dx and TOF information have been used in the particle identification .

  19. BESⅢ的电磁量能器(ElectroMagneticCalorimeter,EMC)是北京谱仪多个子探测器中的一个,采用CsI晶体结构,主要用来测量反应末态电子和光子的能量和位置信息。

    As one of its sub-detectors , the electromagnetic calorimeter ( EMC ) made of CsI crystals , is mainly used to measure the energies and positions of electrons and photons coming out from interactions .

  20. 本论文的主要内容是北京谱仪(BES)III在线数据获取系统研究工作的一部分,实现了对数据流信息的监测。

    The central content of the thesis is a part of the research task on Beijing Spectrometer ( BES ) ⅲ Data Acquisition System ( DAQ ) . It realizes the monitoring of Data Flow Information .

  21. 介绍了用于BESⅢMDC(北京谱仪Ⅲ主漂移室)电子学小系统的监测软件。

    In this paper , the author introduces the monitoring software running on the small electronic system of BES ⅲ MDC ( the Main Drift Chamber of Beijing Spectrometer ⅲ) .

  22. 简要描述了北京谱仪(BES)主漂移室的结构和宇宙线实验安排,给出利用宇宙线测试主漂移室性能的主要结果。

    The structure of the BES main drift chamber and arrangement of cosmic ray tests have been described briefly . The main test results of the chamber performance have been given .

  23. 介绍了北京谱仪上HCT-4智能核磁共振特斯拉计的构成及技术指标。

    In this paper we discuss the of BES HCT-4 Brainpower Tesla apparatus .

  24. 北京谱仪HCT-4智能核磁共振特斯拉计的研制

    Research and construction of BES HCT-4 Brainpower Tesla apparatus

  25. 北京谱仪亮度监测器的探测器在日本KEK进行了束流测试和刻度。

    The test and calibration of the detectors of the BES luminosity monitor were performed at KEK Japan .

  26. 本文阐述了北京谱仪(BES)漂移室读出电子学逻辑控制和扇出电路的原理及技术性能,介绍了逻辑控制电路的系统校准和数据获取的两种工作方式。

    This paper describes the principle and performances of logic control and fan-out circuits for BES drift chamber read-out electronics . Two operating ways of system calibration and data acquisition have been presented .

  27. 以北京谱仪数据获取系统一个读出分支的单机箱读出模型为例,为提高实时系统性能及可扩展性要求,提出了一个基于VME总线的面向多处理器应用的数据采集系统的实现方法。

    A Beijing Spectrome ⅲ( BES ⅲ) data acquisition readout branch based on multiple processors in one VME crate was built to improve the performance and scalability of real-time systems .

  28. 我们对北京谱仪(BESIII)中考虑使用的一种新型高精度TDC进行了测量研究。

    We have studied the testing of a new high resolution TDC , which is planned to use in the third modification project of Beijing Spectrometer ( BESIII ) .

  29. 北京谱仪升级后(BESⅢ)的飞行时间计数器(TOF)将使用精细网型光电倍增管(PMT)。

    The performance of a fine mesh photomultiplier tube ( PMT ) & Hamamatsu R5924 ( FM ) to be used for the time of flight ( TOF ) counter in the upgraded Beijing Spectrometer ( BES ⅲ) was investigated in a strong magnetic field up to 1T .

  30. 北京谱仪(BESIII)的飞行时间读出电子学(TOF)对于时间信号的测量具有非常高的要求,需要对TOF时间测量电路进行严格的测试。

    The measurement of time signals in flight time readout ( TOF ) electronics of the third modification project of Beijing Spectrometer ( BESIII ) is very difficult according to the very high-resolution request , so we need to strictly test the design of the circuit for time measurement .