
  • 网络Charmed Particles
  1. 分析了在粲粒子发现后SU(4)一级质量关系遇到的困难。

    The difficulties encountered by the first order SU ( 4 ) massrelations after the discovery of charmed particles are analyzed .

  2. 重大项目粲粒子物理和τ轻子物理研究通过评审论证

    Passing evaluation and demonstration of nsf 's major project on charmed particle and τ lepton

  3. 给出在质量2Gev附近除粲粒子外还可能存在一批普通介子的色激发态,讨论了这些粒子的性质和它们在实验中表现的行为,并指出它们在一些新现象中可能的贡献。

    We suggest the possible existence of several colour excited states with masses around 2 GeV in companion with charm mesons . We also discuss the properties and the experimental behavior of these colour excited states , especially , the possible contribution of these states in several new phenomena .

  4. 粲(Charm)粒子的质量谱

    Mass spectra of charm particles

  5. 研究含有粲夸克的粲粒子的产生和衰变性质对检验标准模型,特别是微扰和非微扰量子色动力学具有十分重要的意义。

    Studying the production and decay natures of charm-particle , which contains charm quark , this is of great significance for testing the standard model , especially the perturbative and non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics ( QCD ) .
